

Responses from three_easy_payments

Is Modern Jazz an Oxymoron?
I think I'm pretty much in the same boat as you.  The newer jazz I like tends to be done by the older guys in jazz like Chick Corea and Charles Lloyd.  I do like much of the material that Joshua Redman and Christian McBride put out.  Occasionally ... 
DAC Choices - $5,000 to $7,000
I can highly recommend the Lampizator Atlantic TRP that I use which falls into your price range.  Very natural sound and a ton of flexibility to dial in your tonal preferences with tube rolling. 
Why is there no love for Prima Luna?
For made in China the Line Magnetic amps are far superior and a better value in my experience. 
Line Magnetic 508ia and the Elusive 805 Tube
@adamaley I've been thinking about trying the Psvane ACME Supremes 805s.  Have you any experience with them? 
Does Bluesound have a new product launch coming?
Nobody "needs" 99% of the stuff audiophiles buy. Let’s be honest here.  We "desire" it. 
Looking for a phono stage with pleasing coloration
Reading the threats of being cut off and permanently ignored by MC are what keep me coming back to this site. I love how we all create our own intrinsic value we present to the world.  lol 
How would you characterize the VAC tube amps?
I really liked my former combo of a VAC Ren MK5 with a Pass XA30.8.  Sounded great out of my Spendor D7's.   
Opening Record Store
The most successful brick and mortar record stores I know maintain a a robust online side of the business.  That's where the "real" (well not really) money is made, especially one the collectibles side.  Jazz Record Center in Manhattan is a good e... 
New Audio Technica ART9XA Up and Running.....
Congrats on the enjoyable cart!  What phono are using with it? 
I was literally minutes from purchasing the Special 40's...
Harbeth P3ESR are 6 ohm speakers while the Falcons and Rogers are 15 ohm.  These are made for totally different amplification.  The Falcons and Rogers will sound fantastic through a Leben CS-300 for example while the Harbeths - ummmm not so much.   
PS Audio Power Plant 15........
PS Audio has a 30-day 100% refund return policy. Send it back if you’re not happy. Easy solution. 
PS Audio Power Plant 15........
How does clean power worsen the sound? 
PS Audio Power Plant 15........
I went from a Niagara 1200 to PS Audio P12 and the difference was stunningly improved.  I'm almost wondering if the OP is finding some levels of incoming THD euphonic in his system.  The P12 dropped incoming THD levels from 4% to 0.1% in my system... 
.2mv vs .4mv out for LOMC into 60db gain phono stage?
Gain is gain but volume isn’t gain. All things equal an 0.4mV cart with correct gain matching will sound better than an 0.2mV cart undergained with a volume boost. You will lose dynamics. I’m not sure whether the broad disclaimer "only you can det... 
Tube phono preamp vs parasound hint phono stage
just curious...what amp/linestage are you using?