

Responses from three_easy_payments

Have you had this experience in a shop?
sorry MC, OP's video was better.  You can't always be the winner whether you declare yourself the winner or not. 
Has "politically correct" killed the used audio market?
haha...exactly. Malaria is the worst analogy ever to COVID.  Malaria can't be spread from person to person. 
Pioneers in the history of higher end/accurate sounding components....and you..
Name-dropping tends to go hand-in-hand with narcissism.  But hey, if the shoe fits ;-)https://qz.com/907931/name-dropping-basically-always-backfires/#:~:text=Why%20we%20name%20drop,of%20Georgia%20psychology%20professor%20W. Here’s the really bad... 
Has "politically correct" killed the used audio market?
Americans?I said World Wide. If Americans aren't contracting or dying from it then by definition it's not a pandemic.  period. 
Has "politically correct" killed the used audio market?
@glupson   yes, I fixed the typo now.  thanks 
Tekton Design Speakers Price Increase
Price increases happen everywhere in audio and beyond.  This is normal. 
Has "politically correct" killed the used audio market?
My point is that if only 5 Americans die from malaria each year then by definition it’s not a pandemic. SARS - bad analogy too....same with Ebola. These are not pandemics dude. No one in the US gets these diseases. And how about your wonderful SAR... 
Has "politically correct" killed the used audio market?
@oldhvymec   The ones I just mentioned, were and still are DEADLY, but the one that gets left out and is a worldwide pandemic, every year..MALARIAInfluenza X A LOT of different typesSARS, Covid is SARSEbola. Let's be honest here.  Do you know ho... 
Pioneers in the history of higher end/accurate sounding components....and you..
I have never lived such a charmed life as MC.  No one has ever pulled strings allowing me access into the Talon room nor has Michael Fremer ever "called me" for a "nice long talk" (note MC didn't call Fremer nor was is it a brief talk...ha...whate... 
Looking for a speaker for my LM 845 Premium
@havocman The hardness brightness in your mid-range is probably coming from the speaker cables in the interconnects. Do you even know what he's using now?  
Warm romantic & detailed
@jeffinnh76   I'm sure you will love those!  Enjoy. 
Has "politically correct" killed the used audio market?
MC has never met a topic he wasn't an expert in.  And the fact that he selflessly delivers truth to the masses via this forum has him jockeying with Gandhi for Humanitarian of the Century award.  The only thing he asks in return is for you to bow ... 
Looking for a speaker for my LM 845 Premium
I agree that AN would compare very closely with DeVores other than perhaps ideal room placement.  That's where I would lean as well if searching in Europe. 
Amp-preamp mismatch?? result higher volume. What is rthe cause??
I'm so confused now by all of these sensible and well-informed comments.  because Einstein said: Few things in audio are as irrelevant as the position of the volume knob. How do we reconcile such disparity? lol   
Looking for a speaker for my LM 845 Premium
As a point of reference, the LM dealer I worked with earlier this year indicated that the DeVore O/93 is the perfect match for the LM845 Premium.  Perhaps something European-made with similar specs would work well?  I have the LM805ia paired with ...