

Responses from three_easy_payments

Solid State Phono Preamp recommendations $3k-$4k new range
I'd look at something from Whest in that range for SS. 
Bias adjustment for the CARY SLI-80 Integrated Amp
Did you send the amp back to Cary for this specific issue and they sent it back saying nothing was wrong? 
The conclusion I've reached about speakers
You have no idea how long I've been waiting for a conclusion! No mas. 
Next Upgrade?
When hard rock on louder volume starts sounded distorted it's most likely an issue with your self-described lack of room treatments. The problem becomes 2nd reflections which are muddying up the room sonics.  I don't see how you're going to fix th... 
Spend my money
so the answer is to spend your $500 in gas trying to listen to everything available? 
Millercarbon's Mega Vibration Control Journey
@mahgister    For vibrations isolation and controls, and for resonance controls( yes they are 2 different things) ANY system at ANY price will benefit greatly ... Saying otherwise has only one explanation, you never experiment or you never listen... 
Millercarbon's Mega Vibration Control Journey
I believe it’s MC’s theory that there is no system regardless of how poor and unresolving, not to materially benefit from better isolation/vibration control and better cabling. I disagree. While these elements are important they truly only move th... 
Bought some 14/2 “speaker wire” from Home Depot
@co_jones Suggestion for the moderator, a Millercarbon bypass filter. Give the guy a break, it must be truly exhausting for him to always have to be the smartest guy in the room.  
Warm romantic & detailed
Taming qualities you don't like from a speaker is a losing battle.  They simply need to be replaced.  Sounds like you have some good recommendations from others. 
Cables for Leben/Devore- Nordost?
I use A23 cables between my Line Magnetic 805ia and O/96's.  It was a big improvement over Wireworld Eclipse 8's I was using.  I suspect the difference is the twisted copper/silver mix in the A23's compared to straight 9 gauge copper in the Wirewo... 
Millercarbon's Mega Vibration Control Journey
Symposium's Rollerblock Jr's absolutely blow away BDR cones (and yes, I have many of both).  And no, I'm not a rep. lol 
Millercarbon's Mega Vibration Control Journey
It's amazing that someone who believes vibration control is hugely important (which it is) also feels that cart/tonearm compliance is a bunch of BS and can be ignored.  Can someone say cognitive dissonance??? 
How do I pay?
I had an instance when a seller refused to use PayPal due to it's fees.  I offered to add the Paypal fee to the asking price and we did the deal that way.  I refused to do the deal w/o protection and was willing to pay a premium for that protection. 
Phonostage recommendations under $3K
@lalitk   How do you like the Hana Umami Red, particularly compared to the Hana ML? The Umami squarely on my radar. 
Bought some 14/2 “speaker wire” from Home Depot
I have found that most speaker wire in most systems barely moves the sonic needle.  The only speaker cable that made a meaningful difference in my system is Auditorium23.  My 16-yr old daughter listened to them and said "they sound more detailed t...