

Responses from three_easy_payments

Pre to meet 2021 goals
@bjesien   I know you mentioned the Mk V, but would you recommend going older in the VAC line too? Sorry, I don't have any experience with the older VAC preamps.  I picked mine up used less than 1 yr old for ~$5K.  Can't see how you can do bett... 
Devore Fidelity Orangutan O/96
This thread got me curious about comparing the Cary SLI-80HS (40w push/pull in triode mode) currently in my 2nd system against the LM805ia (48w SET) with my O/96 speakers.  I did this today and frankly the Cary sounds horrible in comparison with t... 
Pre to meet 2021 goals
Please don't encourage raging about politics!Since you use a Devore/Leben combo I suspect your musical priorities are similar to mine.  Regarding preamps I currently use a VAC Renaissance MKV which I really love.  The only preamp I'd consider upgr... 
Phonostage recommendations under $3K
@simao  Oddly enough, millercarbon is right in just how Herron products are. Actually MC is exaggerating here a bit as he almost always does.  I spent 50% more on a Luxman EQ-500 which substantially betters the Herron in every respect.  The VTP... 
Phonostage recommendations under $3K
@lalitk  Did you tube rolled your VTPH-2A yet or still using stock tubes? If yes, what tubes you have tried and found to be best with VTPH-2A. Keith designs the VTPH2A around inexpensive EH tubes.  I tried rolling other more expensive tubes in t... 
Devore Fidelity Orangutan O/96
@atmasphere   Completely agree and well stated! My O/96's sounded ok but not quite "right" when paired with a Pass XA30.8.  However when I moved to a Line Magnetic 805ia 48W SET they simply came alive, especially when set a no negative feedback. 
Tubes most likely to improve SQ?
Agree with the preamp tubes first but the thread should read "most likely to affect SQ"....whether it's better is up to your ears. 
Devore Fidelity Orangutan O/96
congrats @arafiq   Hope you enjoy the joyful music! 
Luxman 505uXlI vs Cary SLI-100
@unison77    I am wondering what I could do to my Cary SLI-80 acquired in 2003. The only upgrade I made some time ago were Jensen PIO .22uf coupling caps. Before that, we tried VCaps for a year and eventually replaced them with Jensens.   The fa... 
Devore Fidelity Orangutan O/96
As a point of comparison my O/96's sound substantially better paired with a LM805ia than a Pass XA30.8.  The SET circuit just allows the DeVore's to shine.  I do want to get them paired at some point with a Shindo 300B amp but very happy for now. 
Luxman 505uXlI vs Cary SLI-100
I'd pair the Klipsch Heresy IV's with a Cary SLI-80HS instead of the SLI-100.  I don't think KT150's will match very well but KT-88's in triode mode through the SLI-80HS is sublime with Klipsch.  I run this amp with a pair of Forte III's and the s... 
Devore Fidelity Orangutan O/96
@prof  FWIW...I heard the Devore O series speakers on about 4 different amps.2 that I can remember are the Leben (CS300 I believe) commonly paired with the O series.   And Nagra (classic integrated...I think). I believe one of the other tube am... 
System Plateau - Ideas?
I have the LM805 and use Devore O/96's, so pretty close your original setup.  Replacing the stock 805 tubes with NOS RCAs was an incredible upgrade.  Just curious if you rolled the power and 300B tubes in your LM amp? 
Devore Fidelity Orangutan O/96
@arafiq   Out of curiosity what amp were the O/96's paired with?  It seems that most people who have shared their impressions of the O/96's aren't specifying the amp that was used which makes a huge difference with these speakers. 
Who are your three favorite female singers?
Dolores O’Riordan Billie HolidayAlison Krauss