

Responses from three_easy_payments

How eclectic is your taste in music?
I like everything from north Mississippi hill country blues to Hank Sr to 50s/60s jazz (bop, free, modal, experimental) to psych rock to classic rock to indie to alt country to prog to Radiohead to Morphine to 80s alternative to shoegaze to folk t... 
Okay, How Important Is Speaker Break In? (Dynaudio Contour 60i)
and then he has to be a jerk by adding: You can leave all your gear off all the time. It's just too irresistable for him...a jab needs to be thrown at every opportunity.  The mission is to demean.  
Audio note 300b tube upgrade suggestions
@tvad   I'm not surprised that the Gold Lions won in that price category - a solid all-arounder.  If the OP could swing perhaps ~$350 per tube I can say that the EML300B-XLS handily outperform the GL's and even come with a 5-yr warranty.  They are... 
Speaker upgrade
@romney80  Sorry, my sarcasm font was supposed to be lit up in neon on my response. lol  The Von Shweikert VR55 is out of my price range but if they were I'd seriously be auditioning them.  They are getting it really right these days (and somehow ... 
Amp-preamp mismatch?? result higher volume. What is rthe cause??
For amp designers volume knobs totally matter.   If you are running your volume control down around 9 o’clock, you are actually throwing away signal level so that a subsequent gain stage can make it back up.  
Speaker upgrade
Tekton....if you're spending over $2K on speakers you're getting ripped off or simply profoundly wasting your money.  Aren't your reading the threads here???? 
Okay, How Important Is Speaker Break In? (Dynaudio Contour 60i)
so apparently speakers don't need to be sent back immediately if they don't sound perfect straight out of the box?  Shocker!  Someone better let Einstein in on this audio secret. 
What Was Your Favorite “Game Changer” Moment?
My game changing moments always have come when I discovered fantastic synergy between components.  Certain topologies just work so well together - sometimes intuitively and others not so much.  Granted, fantastic component synergy can't compete wi... 
Tekton Electron SE
@dlong   I don't get all the hate for Tekton here. I don't have anything against Tekton whatsoever or any of the other brands that get ridiculously hyped on this forum to the point where people are shamed for owning something else- being accused... 
The problem with Magicos
noise ventilation (i.e. a hole) is the next big thing in speaker technology  
McIntosh fuse changeout to make better sound
Synergistic has a 30-day return policy so you can always just try it w/o risk.  I tried the Blue fuse a couple of years ago and it made zero difference in my system but I'm open-minded so I tried.  I can often hear differences in speaker cables, I... 
What Audio Religion have you converted others to successfully?
I’ve seen some people actually preach that the best way to improve sound categorically is to sell your gear and always buy Tekton and Raven products while trying to build an entire cult behind it. It’s a religion vis a vis Jim Jones style sadly. I... 
Tekton Electron SE
I don't bash anyone who simply is expressing genuine joy for a new gear acquisition or any other aspect of the hobby.  But let's be honest, even a dog knows the difference between being kicked and being tripped over. 
Just ordered a vpi avenger
Agreed on paying for service to travel to your home for set up but seriously, tipping a dealer to help load a new purchase into your car? Even Best Buy does that for free with no tip expectation.  lol 
Tekton Electron SE
Ever notice how the relentless and over-the-top praise tends to be highly skewed towards the tiny shops led by one person?  Tekton, Raven, Herron, Perfect Path Technologies (now defunct), etc... A pattern and practice of behavior.....hmmmmm....