

Responses from three_easy_payments

Who are your three favorite female singers?
Had to go back and double check. Still can hardly believe it. Well this site is what it is I guess. Only MC is capable of criticizing people's subjective taste in musical preferences.   
Tube amp bias adjustment advice
you should set the bias per the amp specs....period.  This is not something you do by ear, only by measurement. 
Devore Fidelity Orangutan O/96
I have a pair of O/96's and probably have an ideal room for them.  It's a fairly lively room but pretty well treated.  Listening position is 9 feet from the speakers and I have the DeVore's pulled out 3 1/2 feet from the rear wall.  I sold a pair ... 
House buying and the aspiring audipihile
@ejr1953   Congrats on the Asheville home!  That is on my short list for a perhaps final home destination.  I love it for all the reasons you cited.I'm actually surprised how good some rooms can sound that aren't "supposed" to sound good. 
Dinah Washington, have you listened to her?
Nina Simone is waaaay more edgy than Dinah.  I find that Carmen McRae doesn't get mentioned in enough conversations.   
Just bought a Hegel H390 Integrated
I need a wife I can divorce and get alimony.  Imagine how good my musical life would sound? ;-) 
Sound Absorption Behind and Between the Speakers?
Every situation is different and I don't have a window behind and between my speakers....but when I experimented with absorption between the speakers it completely killed the soundstage.  Diffusion works much better for me (and I believe many othe... 
The most criminal practice in the speaker industry revealed!! Keep reading
why does anyone read and respond to this? 
Beatles best album and concert dvd?
For what it's worth it seems that the critics largely believe Revolver is their best.  I prefer not to look at a body of work that way.  What fascinates me most is listening to their evolution and how everything organically grew along the way thro... 
Is easy to know when a non english speaker is writting?
And what's the point of this post?  is there a concern that if identified as a non-english speaker (as a 1st language) that you will somehow be treated differently in this forum?  That would most certainly be a misplaced concern! 
Jazz is not Blues and Blues is not Jazz.......
Don't get me wrong, the blues and jazz are completely different genres...but, there is an incredible library of jazz music covering the blues and based on the standard 12 bar blues structure...and immense amount in fact.   
Jazz is not Blues and Blues is not Jazz.......
@whatjd As much as I like B.B. King, I do not consider him Jazz I think the lines can be more blurred that you're giving credit to.  You do realize there's an immense body of work of BB King recording with the Jazz Crusaders, right??? 
Total bass suck out at 40hz
Thanks for pointing out the Qobuz test tones.  I found it interesting that I can hear my speakers at 20Hz despite they are only spec'd down to 25Hz.  Perhaps that's common.  Apparently 15KHz is the top of my hearing range. 
Jazz is not Blues and Blues is not Jazz.......
Speaking as a guitar player myself I will say it's much easier to learn to play the blues with no formal music theory training.  Jazz is difficult to play well w/o having some fundamental understanding of music theory.  This is all the mechanical ... 
Jazz is not Blues and Blues is not Jazz.......
They are definitely different genres but jazz musicians have played the blues since the 40's. Most of what they played was "bop and blues" for decades.  Countless album titles like "Coltrane Plays the Blues" have been made over the years.Interesti...