

Responses from three_easy_payments

MC cartridges
I find that Elusive Disc has a nice selection with very competitive pricing.https://elusivedisc.com/turntable-cartridge/  
Devore 0/96 - Integrated AMP help
@pingvin   You're not the first person I've heard make really favorable comments about the NAF amps paired with DeVores - particularly their 2a3 and 300b amps.  A bit out of my price range but I'd love to try one someday. 
If Power Cords Don't Matter...
Caelin Gabriel takes the view that  the component sits between two power conductors: the hot and the neutral. AC power oscillates (alternates) back and forth at a 50-60hz rate. So power does not pour into the component at all. The component’s powe... 
Helping a friend build a new system
For a small room like his you could build a nice system around a used Leben CS-300xs and DeVore Gibbon 3XL pairing. Used both components go for around $2,700/ea leaving plenty of room for cabling etc. 
PrimaLuna Evo 200 underwhelming
@golfnut2   the sound seems muffled. There seems to be a hole where the mid range detail should be. I assumed you have tried your Robson speakers with other amps and they didn't have these negative characteristics?  If so, what amps have sounded... 
Townshend Springs under Speakers
Isolation below speakers works from my experience...but it greatly varies from speaker to speaker and from room to room. 
PrimaLuna Evo 200 underwhelming
Which tubes are you running right now? The issue may be synergy with your speakers which are 86dB and dip down as low as 5 ohms - not an ideal match on paper with EL34 amp.  You may want to try a fresh set of power tubes (I'd go for EL34's as I kn... 
300b INTEGRATED AMP Suggestions
And for all you SET guys I should say right now I’m listening to Claude Hopkins "Lowdown" on a 2a3 amp, but a pushpull 2a3 amp. It sounds fantastic and there are many ways to skin a cat in audio. I have heard accounts of many others who report the... 
Speakers for triode tube amps
Tekton are extremely easy to drive and easily outperform speakers costing multiples more. The market apparently disagrees on the price element. Tektons are certainly no best kept secret and have been very actively discussed, advertised and rev... 
i disagree,true auduophiles are not buying them.. I don't think we should argue over what an audiophile is.  I totally believe audiophiles are buying Tekton Impact monitors.  Really the key is that people are buying these speakers because they ... 
300b INTEGRATED AMP Suggestions
@charles1dad   Out of curiosity, which 300b are you running these days? 
300b INTEGRATED AMP Suggestions
Sophia's 300b integrated is well reviewed also but I've never heard it.https://sophiaelectric.com/collections/tube-amplifiers/products/pages-amp-9103 
300b INTEGRATED AMP Suggestions
@charles1dad   I thought the LM210IA had been around for many years?  Is there a newer model iteration of it that I'm not aware of? 
Another thing to point out is that unless things have changed since 2014, even Raven gear is designed in South Korea by SE Han who became a subcontractor to Raven Audio under an agreement that he would design all of the circuits for Raven Audio. R... 
@tvad   edit: "Predominantly" made in the US ;-)  acknowledging many posts  make mention of being made in USA and specifically NOT in China as a recurring theme.