

Responses from three_easy_payments

Nirvana sued over "Nevermind" cover photo
The emotional damage is he identifies as she making the cover a painful reminder of societies oppression of trans yada yada whatever. The irony isn’t lost on me - a guy who complains out of one side of his mouth about being so hurt over name-calli... 
So where should the tubes be?
Tubes should go where they sound good to you and work well with your other components.  It's really about your listening priorities.  I personally enjoy tubes in all my components and have speakers that respond well to tubes.  Some people really l... 
Maybe MC work really hard to make the MoAb sing, I completely believe this to be the case.  In fact I'm nearly certain that Tektons would respond very well to Townshend Seismic Pods (springs) as the cabinets are quite resonant according to Ster... 
How long does Class A have?
The size of the Class A hifi audio amp market literally doesn't move the needle on global environmental impact and the earth's carbon footprint. Much more lower hanging fruit for any activists or policy interest groups to go after first - most obv... 
@rixthetricks A seemingly very fair assessment and a refreshing representation in contrast to a guy who chooses to depict himself as Einstein, assert that Tektons are the best speaker he’s ever heard at any price, and then proclaim: "almost everyo... 
Nirvana sued over "Nevermind" cover photo
It's not a question of pornography....it's a question about royalties. 
Nirvana sued over "Nevermind" cover photo
@millercarbon   So how long have you been working in HR? 
@ghasley   Good takeaway summary.  I'm not sure it's meaningful to know what percentage of a speaker's total production is for sale on any given day.  It would be more meaningful to know how many of the speaker owners sold them in less than a year... 
Nirvana sued over "Nevermind" cover photo
If this is child pornography that's a criminal charge.  Have the legal authorities made an arrest? 
Also the technology is advanced and different enough it is hard to understand. and this is a selling point? lol A great piece of sage advice from Robert Harley's book:"Loudspeaker design relies on a balanced approach, not reliance on some ne... 
It wasn't till it was obvious it was going very bad for the owner of this company that site moderators jumped in and deleted the entire post. For sure.  In a panic the Bat Signal was activated, nukes were deployed, and the thread was vaporized.... 
Nirvana sued over "Nevermind" cover photo
I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced within that shorthand description ["hard-core pornography"], and perhaps I could never succeed in intelligibly doing so. But I know it when I see it, a... 
What do "audiophiles" use to judge equipment?
There you will find repeatedly stated the only two specs worth consideration are speaker sensitivity and phono cartridge output. How anyone can utter such foolishness and also be taken seriously by even the few on this forum is beyond reasonable c... 
When are people going to wake up and realize listening is a skill?
Thanks @streamerdude for your contributions towards restoring balance in the universe.  You continue to nail it with your spot-on characterizations.  With a sincere knowing smile ;-) 
Point to Point vs Circuit Board
Totally agree with @larryi and @invalid’s comments. Being hyperfocused on P2P vs PCB is not where I’d be directing the majority of my effort when considering a new component. It’s all about the design and execution, synergy with your other compone...