

Responses from three_easy_payments

Point to Point vs Circuit Board
It looks like as a one-off product these guys did an integrated that uses P2P in the amplifier section. Note the minimalist circuit design. Otherwise, no I can’t think of any offhand.http://www.ptpaudio.com/blok20  
Peachtree Nova 300: good reviews. Any members own Peachtree? YEA or NAY?
Not a fan....dry, grainy and analytical to my ears.  Build quality feels suspect.  I used to own one years ago.  But yes, in terms of features for the price I can see why it's attractive to many. 
Point to Point vs Circuit Board
Valve amps tend to have much simpler circuits with very few large components - it can be quite practical to use point-to-point wiring with them.   In terms of solid state components, circuit layout is important and achieving small loop areas can b... 
Sound bar for Dialogue
Center channel speakers are best for obtaining dialogue clarity.  What are you using to transmit audio?  Does your gear have the capability to integrate a center channel? 
Home speakers with car receiver possible?
welcome to the forum @toiler... I appreciate that you have your own opinion. I think a bit of quite classical music in the evening or being able to hear a news broadcast is relevant and valuable, for me anyway. and brace yourself for certain pa... 
What do "audiophiles" use to judge equipment?
@cmariner1  Robert Harley's well-known Complete Guide to High End Audio provides some very sensible approaches and considerations to purchasing components or a complete system.  He outlines very well the role that specs, reviews, speaker/amp syner... 
What do "audiophiles" use to judge equipment?
Question posed by OP: Are there any others who trust their own ears and go into a music store and BUY something without the psychological hand-holding of a forum or spec sheet? Response by MC: You are very confused. Search through my posts. H... 
DAC Shootout Starts This Weekend
@verdantaudioHow can we be assured that your listening skills are up to snuff? ;-)Honestly I look very much to hearing your impressions....sounds like a fun undertaking and appreciate the future share and the time it takes to assemble your thoughts. 
When are people going to wake up and realize listening is a skill?
@jetter Agree with the sentiment of every part of your post except this: I wouldn’t have believed it, not cool. Let's be honest, of course you believe it...how is this behavior unexpected? 
When are people going to wake up and realize listening is a skill?
@streamerdude   But did you play french horn in junior high? 
When are people going to wake up and realize listening is a skill?
@feldmen4 In the OP’s original post, “By the time I was an instructor myself…” Stop trying to threaten MC’s credibility with facts by quoting exactly what he said! Yes he wrote this but your reading comprehension is "dismal". Stating that you were... 
When are people going to wake up and realize listening is a skill?
Free advertising that only cost him 10,584 posts to try to sell a $3,250 TT.  Let's say the average post takes 3 minutes to type, that's 529 hours of his time.  lol @free advertising 
Speakers for triode tube amps
The question is what "will get the job done" even means.  Yes, it will make sound but it was so spectacularly uninformed and shows a real lack of experience witnessing amp/speaker synergies that I just bit my tongue at the time he posted that comm... 
When are people going to wake up and realize listening is a skill?
I just want to know what part of MC's Jedi Listening Skills Training Program allowed him to know that Tekton speakers and Raven amps would be the best audio products he had ever heard WITHOUT having ever listened to them first???? 
When are people going to wake up and realize listening is a skill?
So.....Only people with excellent and trained tasting skills can have a valid opinion on what food is good and what is not. Otherwise never take a restaurant recommendation from them seriously.Only people with perfect vision can comment with any a...