

Responses from three_easy_payments

My Experience With Tekton
@nonoise   I was hoping for more along the lines of Tony Clifton and Andy Kaufman 
My Experience With Tekton
Pathetic! lolThere really is no limit to how low you will stoop??? Seriously man...wow. 
My Experience With Tekton
@fsonicsmith My initial reaction was you were making a ludicrous  unfounded connection.  But I'm seeing another poster with an ID created very recently speaking now specifically to tweaks and alleged "snake oil" and sounding remarkably like MC. ... 
Cartridge ISOLATION; What Say You?
@tomic601 I think MC’s gushing over the strain gauge actually speaks more towards his personal musical priorities, which may or may not match others’ priorities. He seems to like his SQ very clean, fast, and with a sense of immediacy that not ever... 
Cartridge ISOLATION; What Say You?
amidst all of this whole bunch of stuff vibrating around like mad MC ignores that cartridge/tonearm compliance is a spec having any relevance, particularly if you have an Origin Live tonearm.  Why focus on some vibrations and not others?  Cognitiv... 
Anybody own a component that sounds better with the cover off?
Art Dudley would frequently comment that his Shindo tube gear sounded best with the cages removed.   
New Cable Tweek
They do offer a trial period and a 30-day money back guarantee so there seems nothing to lose than some time/effort.   
My Experience With Tekton
Nice review.  Enjoy! 
Townshend Springs under Speakers
point taken @theaudiotweak . It was just a random compare/contrast. There are numerous examples of highly attractive showroom with good acoustic treatment. "Boutique audio salon" was the phrase I was reflecting on and the customers one is hoping t... 
Townshend Springs under Speakers
Could see my listening room transforming into a highly selective by-appointment boutique audio salon. https://i.postimg.cc/VLX7j62m/MC.jpg Yes, your room clearly fills a void in the market that shockingly has been overlooked. 
Townshend Springs under Speakers
Hate to be mysterious and confusing but it really is like Mia said and all kidding aside it really is quite tiresome. Obviously this can only be made less confusing if more YouTube clips are posted.   
Townshend Springs under Speakers
MC confirmed below what I've long suspected has been his true motivation behind everything he does in life - to have the largest audience possible I wouldn’t have near the audience without their constant bickering keeping me front and center. Wh... 
Townshend Springs under Speakers
@rix  I was a little surprised that MC publicly announced my intention to build speakers in the US, in such a manner, a model as yet not designed. It was retaliation for providing your honest impressions of what MC's system and speakers sounded... 
Townshend Springs under Speakers
@tobes and @rix  I agree with much of what you both said.  A couple of points:1) I like the Townshend Seismic pods that I bought last year.  I think they perform well and are priced fairly.  In no way have I ever flamed their products but I do kno... 
Townshend Springs under Speakers
The hypocrisy is that MC ridiculed forum members for providing positive comments to @rixthetrick, citing that we "all got played" by him and hardy har har comments....all because it turns out Rix is going to be bringing speakers to market soon. In...