

Responses from three_easy_payments

100W+ solid-state amps known for beautiful mids
Accuphase A-200 
Lady Blackbird- Black Acid Soul - great sounding new Artist
Listened to this as well over the weekend as it was featured in Qobuz's New Releases.  I listen to all of the new releases every week - a very nice feature.  Definitely some good stuff and certainly very Nina-esque. 
Herron VTPH-2A vs Rogers PA-2 Phono Preamplifier
I have the Herron and cannot see anything the least bit hard about tube rolling. That's missing the message about the Herron.  What's hard is IMPROVING the sound of the Herron via tube rolling.   
Audiophile Fuses - Are We Certain They Provide Protection?
I just heard back from VH Audio - the makers of HiFi Tuning fuses.  Their fuses carry the CE designation. On commercial products, the letters CE mean that the manufacturer or importer affirms the good's conformity with European health, safety, and... 
Audiophile Fuses - Are We Certain They Provide Protection?
@turnbowm This is what inspired me to start the thread in the first place - I couldn't find any information on any audiophile fuse maker's website indicating a UL certification.  @cleeds made the very good suggestion that I just start reaching out... 
Herron VTPH-2A vs Rogers PA-2 Phono Preamplifier
@kennyc If your main goal is to find a phono stage that’s easier to tube roll you may want look at the Tavish Design products.  Herron would be the last phono I'd buy with the intention of rolling tubes. 
Audiophile Fuses - Are We Certain They Provide Protection?
@turnbowmAndy Wiederspahn at SR wrote to me indicating that all SR fuses are UL certified. I tend to assign a high level of validity to that and suspect the search criteria or database info isn’t correct. A company is unlikely to make performance ... 
My Experience With Tekton
I find it more than just a little humorous that our moderators saw fit to delete a post by a certain member after he claimed to be offended by a display of another's arrogance.  Apparently that post was just too difficult for anyone to stomach ;-) 
Audiophile Fuses - Are We Certain They Provide Protection?
Good news...Synergistic Research got back to me very quickly and indicated that all SR fuses are UL certified. I’ve also reached out to Audio Magic and VH Audio and will post their responses as well. 
Audiophile Fuses - Are We Certain They Provide Protection?
@cleeds That wasn’t MC’s "advice," but his sarcastic response to your concern. I actually thought it was his advice and didn’t read sarcasm into it. If he was being sarcastic then my apologies to him and for getting this thread off track.And yes,... 
My Experience With Tekton
"Just how low down mean and arrogant do you have to be to come up with that one? " I could only hope one’s arrogance was a criteria that filtered out posters. lolYour being anti-arrogance is like Genghis Khan taking a position strongly opposed to ... 
Audiophile Fuses - Are We Certain They Provide Protection?
@cleeds You’re being more than a little cagey here. If you truly seek what you claim, you’d ask the sellers of whatever fuse you’re interested in, rather than rely on second-hand info from this group. The inspiration behind the OP was reading Rog... 
Audiophile Fuses - Are We Certain They Provide Protection?
@cleeds   Exactly.  The whole intention of my OP was to inquire into what assurances the manufacturers of high-end, audio fuses are providing consumers that their fuses indeed meet spec to provide protection - just like any other generic fuse manu... 
Audiophile Fuses - Are We Certain They Provide Protection?
Is it reasonable to expect consumers of fuses to spend hundred of dollars on an accurate power supply in order to test and trust the fuses they place in gear? Seriously, who does this? Please chime in if you’re testing all of your fuses in this ma... 
Herron VTPH-2A vs Rogers PA-2 Phono Preamplifier
The Herron has two two gain sections - the FET front-end used only by the MC circuits, and tubed gain stages used by both the MC and MM sections.  You are not just listening to a FET through the MC stage but in my experience MC carts sound best ...