

Responses from three_easy_payments

Cheap Amazon Chinese tube pre amps
Returns are free and easy on Amazon.  Give one a try and report back to us. 
When are people going to wake up and realize listening is a skill?
So the lesson here is that certain brands of speakers don't suck, it's that only people with terrible listening skills believe they suck.Got it. 
I'm pretty sure @jetter was being facetious.  "All you have is Tannoy Canterbury's"....we ALL wish we could be so unfortunate as to own those wonderful speakers! ;-) 
@chayro I’m surprised calling Eric wasn’t the first thing a Tekton customer would instinctively want to do! With every other product, who doesn’t talk to the owner when a question on the product arises???? So bizarre. 
Speakers that present as DIY speakers bring out all the DIY'ers who want to immediately tear them apart, add damping, replace tweeters, build crossovers, build stands, replace parts, etc.... I have honestly never heard of any other speaker brand w... 
Speakers for triode tube amps
@corelli  I don't disagree with what you wrote above so perhaps our overall views are more similar than different. 
Speakers for triode tube amps
@tomic601 as for constructive input, I love what Devore does in this space As do I! I pair my Luxman MQ-88uC with O/96’s and the sound is ridiculously good and it handles a wider range of music more deftly than my other amps. While my LM805ia pro... 
Full range speaker for rogue 90 or 100 wpc amp.
Interestingly when Herb Reichert reviewed the Rogue Stereo 100 he paired the amp with Harberth M30.2, KEF LS50, and Maggie .7 and liked them all...perhaps the Harbeth's best.  He never once tried a higher impedance/high sensitivity speaker.  Perha... 
Speakers for triode tube amps
@corelliThere's been plenty of constructive suggestions for the OP.  Many have suggested several high sensitivity speakers possessing a high and flat impedance.  These are excellent choices for a MQ-88 triode amp...and I speak from experience, I o... 
Speakers for triode tube amps
OPWhat some self-proclaimed "experts" obviously don’t understand is that when an amplifier starts asking for double the power by dropping from 8 to 4 ohms, it will start to distort if not designed for that level of output. There is no magical spea... 
Speakers for triode tube amps
+1 On the DeVore O/’s Take a look at Art Dudley’s review. And yes, you totally want an 8 ohm or higher speaker to pair magically with an amp with this topology.  Your instincts are dead on.https://www.stereophile.com/content/listening-189-luxman-m... 
Has anyone ever used a company called vacuum tube values to purchase vacuum tubes?
I'm more interested in your need for 36 KT-88's! Do tell.... 
What are your top 5 Billboard top 10 songs of the 1970"s?
@artemus_5    Is that your standard for good music from the '70's? I don't think the OP was suggesting that defined "good music".  He was simply teeing up some input and reflection - of that category what did you like best?  I suspect nearly no ... 
What are your top 5 Billboard top 10 songs of the 1970"s?
Breakdown - Tom Petty (1976)Those Shoes - Eagles (1979)Loved the vibe on those two when I was a kid. 
How are most audiophiles going from streamers to DACS
I still use a Node2 in my second system connected to a Benchmark DAC3 using coax with good results.