

Responses from three_easy_payments

Audiophile Fuses - Are We Certain They Provide Protection?
I want to know how to test my fuses to make sure they will blow as specified but need to hear MC's methodology for this.  Short of passing say 5 amps of current through a 3A fuse and confirming it indeed does blow and work as designed, what is the... 
Herron VTPH-2A vs Rogers PA-2 Phono Preamplifier
It's not that the Herron's tubes are so "high quality"; in fact they are among the cheapest you can buy on the market.  Keith did make sure that the batch of these cheap tubes that he uses are quiet.  The Herron is voiced for the EH tubes - by des... 
Audiophile Fuses - Are We Certain They Provide Protection?
MC - what is the method you use to test your fuses to make sure they will actually blow at their specified rating before you place them in your gear? 
Sweet new tube amp needs better speakers
The Forte III's are a good suggestion.  Mine have paired well with Class AB ultra-linear push pull tube amps.  The DeVores tend to prefer SET or triode tube designs.  Proac may be a good choice as well. 
Audiophile Fuses - Are We Certain They Provide Protection?
@pauly  Your question/concern is valid for non-audiophile fuses too. Agreed.  But most will cite conformance with UL standards like this:https://m.littelfuse.com/~/media/electrical/faq-documents/ul-class-descriptions-applications.pdfI haven't s... 
Anybody own a component that sounds better with the cover off?
or just remove the cover (cost = $0).  And avoid buying springs and pods. 
The "Snake Oil" Trope
@guakas Why on earth would you assert I took anything you said personally? Just pointing out the flaws in your narrative. You have not offended me in the least.  Trust me, you're also no expert in how I feel. lol 
The "Snake Oil" Trope
@guakas This is the definition of confusion of thought and inability to make a reasoned argument. I couldn’t have made this up if I tried.Simply cutting and pasting your entire post in its entirety. Wow.https://i.postimg.cc/zfMTps9N/Guakas.jpg 
The "Snake Oil" Trope
@gaukus    BTW, never once in my ENTIRE OP, or this thread, have I stated *I* was better than anyone, or my system was better than anyone's. I invite you to prove it, copy paste the precise words Ummmm....ok But hey, kudos for recognizing tha... 
The "Snake Oil" Trope
Yeah I know, a controversial topic, but after 30+ years of hearing both sides and seeing how the argument has evolved over the years, I want to say my piece. This is the first sentence of your OP.The whole point is that there aren't just two si... 
The "Snake Oil" Trope
@guakus  This wasn't your assertion in the original post.  Your entire narrative is about "arguments against the naysayers", and never did you state "to each his own - which I would totally agree with.  In fact how do you reconcile writing this: ... 
The "Snake Oil" Trope
My views on tweaks and products that could fall under the category of "snake oil" are based solely on my own experience.  I have tried many and most don't make a material difference in my system - certainly not at a price-to-performance basis.  Ca... 
My Experience With Tekton
It is quite hilarious when you think about...almost without comparison in the market. Can anyone name another brand of speaker or amplifier where an OP feels compelled every time to start out with this lead-in when simply giving an honest review:"... 
Townshend Pods under TT Don’t Do
@twoleftears   +1  As summed up by this quote: Really curious to try and understand what is going on here.  
The "Snake Oil" Trope
Not sure about snake oil, but I smell a snake. Totally unethical behavior  by one bad actor and this forum is once again getting played.