

Responses from three_easy_payments

My Experience With Tekton
The promotion of Tekton is infinitely better served by posters such as @peter_s and @waltersalas who bring measured reflections to the table, coming across much more thoughtfully, balanced, and mature than those who maintain the expression "freaki... 
My Experience With Tekton
@peter_s Is one of the very rare posters with more 30 posts (other than a notable exception of the poster with more than 10,500 posts - freaking epic!) to endorse Tektons as punching very much above their price, so I respect his views quite a bit.... 
The "Snake Oil" Trope
I think Roger Modjeski summed it up perfectly in terms of relative value and how to set one’s audio priorities:"...makers of tweaks will certainly get no admiration from me. What gets me is why so many people want to play with tweaks rather than m... 
If I could afford, I’d purchase 100% Oswald Mills Audio gear
@oldhvymec I bought a house for 39k 30 years ago and was just offered 345K. While that may sound like a great ROI if you had put the same $39K into the S&P500 30 years ago and just let it sit you’d have close to $900K on your investment and y... 
My Experience With Tekton
@peter_s   Don't apologize.  This is very helpful having actual comparative data points between speakers by real consumers and listeners.We need more pieces of thoughtful, calm, reflective thought like yours: They had a wider soundstage and very ... 
Who will soon be going to a live concert?
@mglik  Measles, polio, hepatitis, etc. Don’t understand why Covid is any different? Over 90% of all Americans have already been vaccinated against measles and polio.  Herd immunity already exists. There are only 1,000 - 2,000 cases per year of ... 
My Experience With Tekton
Let’s stop being ridiculous. We must know as fact that people are trading in $30K speakers for Tektons and they provide $250,000 of performance. If this weren’t true then Tekton wouldn’t be allowed to make this claim in their advertising.https://i... 
Power conditioner some say yes and some say no.
@ja_kub_sz Well it didn't help my speaker hum from my power amp. Did you try a balanced isolation transformer?  My personal experience is that these work much better than straight linear conditioning.  Worked very well with my Line Magnetic SET... 
The "Snake Oil" Trope
@jerryrocks   There is also a link feature that can be used instead of the massive cut & paste.  Not being snarky - I just noticed you're a newer member so was pointing out the feature. 
Herron VTPH-2A vs Rogers PA-2 Phono Preamplifier
Relax MC....I’m underscoring the futility of trying to roll tubes in the Herron...the statement below is hardly an attack. We are actually substantially agreeing about this product. That’s missing the message about the Herron. What’s hard is IMPRO... 
Power conditioner some say yes and some say no.
@eastendhifi   +1 on isolation transformers...and I greatly appreciate your dealer disclosure which is refreshing these days.  These products are indeed great regardless of the brand. 
My Experience With Tekton
I'm new to posting on these Hi Fi threads... @buddyboyOf course you are. 
My Experience With Tekton
It's amazing how the favorable reviews often come from folks with less than 25 total posts along the topic of this thread.  Just connecting some dots.   
Amplifier for Cornwall IV
@lordrootman From my point of view passlab XA30.8 or Parasound JC5 will work fine I know, I’m a broken record here but I used to own a Pass XA30.8 and tried pairing with the Forte III’s. Yes, it "worked fine" but compared to the lesser expensive ... 
Amplifier for Cornwall IV
Hate to say it but I've paired my Forte III's (I know not exactly the same) with my Sugden A21SE (30W Pure Class A) and while powerful and rich, there's just a tab bit too much harmonic distortion and not enough air and detail.  My tube amps work ...