

Responses from three_easy_payments

Audiophile Priorities and Recent Topics
I also think there is an allure to the notion that a major improvement can be had for a relatively small cash outlay compared to amplifiers or speakers.  Something like..."While I may not be able to afford that $2,500 amp right now, I certainly co... 
Pass XA 25 versus Parasound A21+ - anyone compare?
I experienced the grainy/edgy sonics when I was recently running in another Class A SS amp - my Sugden A21SE.  It smoothed out remarkably after about 2 weeks of normal use (perhaps 30-40 hrs total).  I didn't try running it 24/7 for 5 days.   
Pass XA 25 versus Parasound A21+ - anyone compare?
@avanti1960 Is the Pass brand new or did you acquire it used with hours on it? I ask because Pass recommends running in their brand new amps for about 5 days straight 24/7 as an initial break-in measure. It did make a difference back when I had a ... 
Cable co. is forcing me to rent or buy what they call a
I didn't realize people still got cable tv.  I'm either listening to music or occasionally streaming a movie via internet.   
My Experience With Tekton
Avoid the 3 1/2 month wait and just buy these that couldn’t be more than just a few months old. They are decked out in upgraded grills, crossovers, and hardwood feet. Not sure why he needs to upgrade so quickly.https://www.usaudiomart.com/details/... 
What process do you use to purchase cables?
This thread has inspired what may be my best idea ever. I strongly believe there is a huge hole in the audio gear review market for a hi-fi product reviewer who can provide really powerful reviews of products without ever hearing them first. I kno... 
The "Snake Oil" Trope
If you have joined Audiogon for the sole purpose of winning arguments you have sadly missed the point of the forum.  
I have a good SUT. Need MM Phono Pre for DL103R
I just picked up a Tavish Classic phono from a forum member for use in a 2nd system. I just saw one USAM listed the other day for $450 but I think it’s sold now. It’s a great little unit with an all-tube signal path (5751 at the end preceded by a ... 
The "Snake Oil" Trope
@millercarbonCouldn't have said it better. :) Of course you couldn't.  Because between the two of you there is only one human being actually typing. 
My Experience With Tekton
The world isn’t composed of equally credible people - this is a fact. We are all free to decide whose opinions we value the most. I listed mine and gave a basis of why. Whether you like it or not every single person who frequents this forum are ma... 
Who will soon be going to a live concert?
@docknow   All good points you raise! 
Who will soon be going to a live concert?
As opposed to infection rate what's probably most relevant is the death rate due to Covid compared to that of say the common flu.  The death rate due to Covid is between 200-300 people per 100,000 population (it varies state to state a bit).  The ... 
How is the decision made to produce a vinyl record on different
I suspect mainly marketing.  Put it on 180 and suddenly it's "audiophile quality"  While some formulations are definitely quieter I've never heard a correlation between vinyl weight and SQ in my system. 
The "Snake Oil" Trope
Being right or wrong on this topic doesn’t matter - only sales do. At the end of the day if consumers don’t recognize a benefit from buying audio products that are promoted as improving sound then this will be reflected in poor sales. Regardless o... 
My Experience With Tekton
Got it? It is the BH that is freaking epic. Only thing more freaking epic than the BH is, rent free. Rent free - getting all agitated because "freaking epic" was misappropriated and having to make a qualifying post.  lol  The irony is palpable.