

Responses from three_easy_payments

The "Snake Oil" Trope
"Enjoying" isn't the correct term.  It's more akin to the morbid curiosity of glancing at the horrific car accident as you slowly pass by. 
Audiophile Priorities and Recent Topics
@lucky_doggg Now, tweaks will not overcome equipment that is not to one's liking, then absolutely yes, emphasis on a tweak is the wrong direction to go, but if one is satisfied relative to other gear, then tweaks to improve performance I think i... 
The "Snake Oil" Trope
We're touching onto a human phenomenon that has always been the downfall of human civilization. So, by all means, bring on the hate. It won't change anything. What a lovely thread. 
My Experience With Tekton
@philbarone  Thanks for sharing your experience.  I'm curious what speakers you have now migrated to.  And what speakers you've heard that are more to your liking than Tekton.  I'm just curious what speakers sound good through the ears of someone ... 
Audiophile Priorities and Recent Topics
@whart  made me reflect on a point that hits very close to home.  My entire audio journey and experience has shaped my current priorities and allows me to more deeply appreciate the gear and setups that I'm using today.  The hallelujah moments and... 
Audiophile Priorities and Recent Topics
@arafiq   @three_easy_payments -- is it fair to assume that your concern is not so much with the value (or lack thereof) of the suggested tweaks but the sudden onslaught of the 'presumably' newly-minted posters? It's the onslaught of tweak-based ... 
Cartridges with that musical coherence - having heard it, I need to learn more
I agree with the comments about Shelter providing excellent coherence. I have a Shelter 7000 which music just flows through. A wonderful mix of detail while also being a bit laid-back, particularly compared to my Lyra Kleos which is extremely dyna... 
Audiophile Priorities and Recent Topics
@whart   Thanks for the very thoughtful post Bill.  I'm not trying to imply that anyone "started this" but you are correct that I'm asserting that perhaps "undue emphasis is placed on these (arguably secondary) items, perhaps at the expense to the... 
Audiophile Priorities and Recent Topics
@audioman58 I’ve been very curious for years about trying out something from the Living Voice speaker line. You can occasionally find used examples show up for very reasonable prices. They are typically 94dB 6ohm designs but the impedance curve is... 
Audiophile Priorities and Recent Topics
@jjss49 All good points on the fundamentals - and the pinned threads which are very helpful in other forums.Audio has definitely been and continues to be quite a journey for me. Some of my hallelujah moments which helped shaped my priorities have ... 
Audiophile Priorities and Recent Topics
After hijacking my thread in order to bring everyone up to speed on what was included in the thread that was deleted by the Mods, perhaps MC will let us proceed with a thoughtful discussion regarding audiophile priorities that forum members feel h... 
Audiophile Priorities and Recent Topics
I didn’t have it removed. The Mods must have removed it because they believed it was created for the sole purpose of mocking my thread. Forum members can draw their own conclusions. 
Audiophile Priorities and Recent Topics
I see someone feels so incredibly threatened by this thread that they started an identically named thread in order to dilute the conversation. Incredible. Draw your own conclusions. 
Audiophile Priorities and Recent Topics
What bothers me is when someone can’t handle his beer, gets belligerent, and then starts with personal attacks. Like feeling so threatened they they start a thread with the same title as mine purely as an attempt to belittle my input and message? ... 
Audiophile Priorities and Recent Topics
@steakster  It's not that these topics haven't always been discussed since the beginning, it's the premise that perhaps tweaks and wires have shifted from a sometimes topic to overwhelming the joint.  If you go back just 5+ years ago you will see ...