

Responses from stringreen

VPI JMW9 Sig toneram cables - what do you use?
I have a Superscoutmaster with 10.5i, and rim drive..I'm using balanced anti-cable. I really think its the best I've heard...I've tried many top line cables. If you have a location prone to rf, they will make you a double shielded interconnect for... 
In love with my Loricraft
Try steam cleaning - equipment costs..about 50 dollars. Results...better 
What's a good beginner turntable at $2500+- range?
Zenblaster..enjoy your turntable. Caution..do not read any audiophile magazines, websites, or listen to anything different than your own setup. The punishment for listening to more expensive...or even different setups is to create a hunger for bet... 
Curse you Dynaflex
..and I really like my Dynaflex's 
Turntable setup Long Island or NYC ?
Personally, I have never met anyone to take the time, the trouble, or the care that needs to be done except myself. Remember too that as the cartridge ages, the VTA, and perhaps other adjustments have to be corrected. When I do my tables, it may t... 
bi-wire cables on single binding post, sonic loss?
Bananas degrade the sound 
Choice of XLR cables
When I replaced all the wire with Balanced Anti-Cables the system came alive 
Speaker cable for B&W 703's
Bi-wire...don't biamp. 
IC advice
Why isn't Anti-Cables on that list.. In my system, it was better than any other cable I tried including multi-thousand dollar cables. 
Purist Aqueous PC vs. Dominus PC for CD player
I suggest being careful about all of this. Yes, one power cord might have fuller lows, or another greater highs, but change is not necessarily improvement. After you listen to your favorite power cord and are convinced it is the best, go back to t... 
XLR cable with RCA output
Rowland research used to do that configuration too. Anyway, there is no advantage to XLR unless you do it straight balanced. 
Suggestions for good shielded interconnects?
I have a Superscoutmaster/10.5i and the best I have found is the Anti-Cables. It is shielded, however, if you have a lot of electronic junk around, they will double shield it for you. I ordered the double shield to be positive, and it was dead qui... 
Sound bottlenecks: Cartridge-Amp-Speakers
Have you listened to Vandersteens? 
B&W 802D -- Classe' CA-5200 vs. Rotel RMB 1095?
I had the 802's and after getting rid of all the Cardas Cable, the best thing I did for my system was to get rid of the B&W's. To these ears, they are WAY overpriced for their performance. I bought them because I liked their looks after a trau... 
Would Vandersteen 5a's be a good match for Krell?
I have Vandersteen 5A's (gorgeous Kowazinga finish) and are using Ayre electronics with them for a fabulous sound. I saw that you have Krell already, and I don't blame you for not wanting to replace them. Krells have always been a high end product...