

Responses from stringreen

VPI anti-skate device
No Dodgealum..wrong advice. Although the twist method may be correct when new, eventually the wire looses its tension. To be truthful, Harry likes no anti-skate at all, however, I have found the VPI device audibly helpful. I had the 9 Sig, and now... 
Reducing scratch impact with VTA???
Agreed Gimace....The main thing is to listen and enjoy the record. Stop fussing with it after you are careful about setup, and just enjoy. 
Need some advice on flatening wrapped records.
I have a VPI Scoutmaster with the outer ring clamp...works so well, that I don't care if a record is warped at all 
Unstable Imaging - Causes?
I have just moved into a new house, and the very same system which sounded pretty good in my old house sounds pretty bad here. I called in an acoutic engineer who did frequency, phase shift, etc tests of my now current room, and advised many thing... 
SME 309 vs SME IV - sonic differences?
Right Rccc I went from a V to a VPI 10.5 for the better. 
JMW 12.5 set up
I have used the 9 Sig and the 10.5i with the VPI protractors, have checked it with the DB protractor, and it was exactly correct. 
Rega P2, Thorens TD-180 or Music Hall MMF-5.1?
I agree Ekobesky. The 300,especially with the dropped counterweight, and rewired arm may be even better than the Robin. 
Speakers "pumping" with record warps - normal?
I had the same problem once, and discovered it was a very low "hum" which came from the wall power. I changed power cords and it went away. 
What goes beneath your Nottingham?
for Joe55AG...Gingko balls are not tennis balls. They are solid - not air filled, and are of a different size. The results are different- better- than tennis balls 
System Help
..just wondering why you specify a TUBE unit. Especially at that price point there are so many more solid state units that are worthy. 
Balanced Cables
A circuit is designed either balanced or unbalanced but most can accomodate the other. A circuit will always sound the best running it the way it was designed...that is a balanced design will work best balanced, and a single ended design will work... 
Protractor for VPI Aries-3 with JMW10.5i arm
You will see that the VPI is quite enough. I also have the DB protractor, and after checking with Harry, he said that I could use that one too. It was exactly the same with them both. 
Cartridge mounting
The most dangerous part is getting the wires attached. I get the wires on first and then mount it in the tonearm. Always push the cartridge on to the wire. If you push the wire on to the cartridge, your hand just might slip and you will tear the w... 
VPI TT - Scoutmaster, Aries or TNT-Jr?
I pretty much agree with Tiger, however, if you don't have all the money for the big outlay, the Superscout can accomodate future upgrades. ..the big one is the rim drive...really makes a difference. 
Damping fluid for Audioquest pt-6
I am using a VPI 10.5i with a Benz Ebony cartridge, so what I tell you is good only for this installation and may or may not work for you. I find that just a bit of damping improves the cartridge by making it more transparent with improved depth, ...