

Responses from stringreen

Living Voice Mystic Mat Platter Upgrade
I had a Rega and loved my Boston mat with it. Makes a real difference. The felt mat sound....er...wooly 
Worth having my SOTA Sapphire refurbished?
My take...Keep the Sota...its better than the less expensive Regas (which are very good). I can't believe you don't like the Vandersteen sound.... 
Turntable mats
Boston = get rid of the felt mat and try this...guaranteed you wont go back 
CARDAS Fans: Golden vs. Neutral vs. Presence?
There is nothing that ruins my system so completely as Cardas. I tried all of them, but they where abysmal. The power cords are the worst of the worst. 
Anti-Cable IC's
Anti-Cables are the best that I have ever tried. I have had all the very high priced spread, but Anti-Cables beat them all. 
Soundsmith SMMC1 or Clearaudio Maestro on Rega P25
Grados do not do well in Regas. The hum problem can be fixed, but why bother... 
Rim Drive Mod or how to make it even better
What I find so interesting is that the felt,et al only works with the rim drive - and only under the motors, and is detrimental under the platter assembly. Additionally, that it is a step backward using the felt under the motors as well with the b... 
What do defective phono tubes sound like?
yes to the above posts, but also, get the tubes out and clean the sockets and tube pins. I had an Audio Research unit whose sockets and tube pins had to be cleaned, and the spitting noise was no more. 
Side to side cartridge vibration with loud pops.
..sounds like the cartridge/arm are resonating in the wrong place. ...maybe because of a warp, the aging of the cartridge, loosening of the attachment screws, or a million different things. I had a Grado Sonata in a Rega arm, and moved on. 
Expressimo RB 250 mistracking issue
Make sure your table is leveled. Use an appropriate (mechanic's )level and be exact as to bubble placement. Put it on the turntable left to right and north to south. Try this first 
Report on SoundSmith Clearaudio Rebuild
I've never been fond of anything "Lasting" on a stylus. Use a short bristle brush built for the deed, or a bit of Magic Eraser. (Just lower the arm on a small piece of the stuff and raise it a couple of times. Don't scrape it.) 
Do not biamp...do biwire. 
To biwire or not to biwire, that is the question??
Yes you should bi-wire. It sounds better to me... for an explanation go to Vandersteen.com. All his speakers are designed for bi-wire operation, and they all sound better that way 
Have You Tried the Super Platter
I must agree with Slowhand. I've talked to Harry, Sheila, and Mike many times, and they always were interested in my question, and provided help that always worked. When I first got the rim drive, the arm shook, and dipped = always stayed in the g... 
Have You Tried the Super Platter
Mepearson - You will enjoy the album. I got it about 20 years ago because it was in a top 10 best recorded LP's - Editor's Best from The Absolute Sound. Also there is Antarctica by Vangelis, Opera Sauvage by Vangelis and a number of others I can t...