

Responses from stringreen

Cartridges for rear of stage orchestral resolution
My experience on the concert stage for 30 years has indicated each and every time that from the audience or from the stage itself, that the illusion of depth is only an artifact. I agree completely that it sounds nice, but I am just saying that in... 
Excellent sounding cartridges for Rega P3/24?
When one is tuning up an Indy 500 race engine, the parameters are absolutely critical. When tuning a Honda Civic, if the screw is in or out by a bit, it doesn't matter. We are talking on this thread of a good middle of the road cartridge that will... 
Cartridges for rear of stage orchestral resolution
That really deep soundstage, although nice to hear, is an artifact of phasing problems. Go to a concert, close your eyes, and listen for that depth...its not going to be there. If one is interested in reproducing reality, you're looking in the wro... 
Excellent sounding cartridges for Rega P3/24?
I have found that audio components have a company sound. I suggest you find a sound you like and get as close as you can to the top of the line. That arm will pretty much accept anything. 
Does the Linn 'green paper' seem questionable?
I remember clearly that Linn extolled the virtues of scraping the stylus from back to front with the sandpaper section from matchbooks. I guess they changed to jeweler's paper because very few people use matches anymore. 
Scout to Scoutmaster Platter
Every upgrade Harry offers is worthwhile. If you can wait, save for the Superplatter. ..a major improvement. The rim drive is even more of an improvement - it will be available this summer for your table. 
Interconnect for Project table....
Check out new Anti-Cables. You won't be sorry...money back guarantee 
J.A. Mitchell TecnoWeight
Weight...real good upgrade. I had the Icognito wire which was a major move for the better. 
Who does not like the Lyra Dorian?
If you like the Benz sound, there are more refined versions than the Ace... 
DynaVector DV505 is it worth the hassle?
As I write this I am looking at my tonearm. I see the table turning, but with the ring clamp and spindle clamp...or with a vacuum system, the arm moves across the record with grace and alacrity. I just looked at the stylus, and it too seems not to... 
Isolation and Harsh Highs?
..about medical grade lexan....very pure, also very expensive. This stuff is used in heart/lung machines. I made shelves from these, and all of my components are resting very comfortably on them. I tried many, many materials - 30 or so different w... 
Microscope for phono cartidge
I remember seeing a kid's toy electronic microscope - inexpensive and very worthwhile for stylus examinations. I don't remember where I saw it, but check toy stores or Google. 
More on VPI Anti-Skate
Thanks Dougdeacon.. It is wonderful here in North Scottsdale...only one problem.. I have yet to get the acoustics fine tuned in my new sound room (15x24 ft with 12 ft ceilings). I'm working on it though and every day brings me closer. 
Who does not like the Lyra Dorian?
My cartridge took hundreds of hours to sound good...now its excellent (maybe it needs a retip its been so long). All kiding aside....live with it for awhile. Lyras are good cartridges, but they too take a while to break in. 
Isolation and Harsh Highs?
..even better than maple is lexan - 1 inch thick of medical grade....