

Responses from stringreen

How critical is the exact placement of the tonearm
DynaVector DV505 is it worth the hassle?
odd... Albertporter... in your first paragraph you find the arm with no issues other than its appearance and weight...in the second paragraph you chastise it for its ultra sensitivity to VTA and record warp. 
More on VPI Anti-Skate
MJGLO, did you notice that the anti-skating device can be set a number of ways. When the mechanism is adjusted so that the weighted arm that provides the reactive force is at its outmost point, the force is at its maximum. Very little outward pres... 
More on VPI Anti-Skate
No twist on the wires 
More on VPI Anti-Skate
New room theory may have played some part, however, I can still hear some differences for the better as is under the earphones... Sennheiser 650 with balanced Cardas cable into Headroom Blockhead all balanced. 
More on VPI Anti-Skate
Regarding the fluid level... If I look into the well with the arm removed, my fluid level is about 1/2 way up the cone before the shape turns into the pin. Remember however, that all cartridges are different. I am using the Benz Ebony LP. Listen f... 
First used turntable +- $20,000. Any suggestions?
Harry sells more turntables than anyone else..you set it up and play music through it. The VPI doesn't have to be readjusted..it's stable as can be. The 10.5i arm has extremely easy VTA repeatability. The top dual motors with rim drive are in the ... 
VPI anti-skate device
I had a 9 Sig, and now am using the 10.5. In both cases the device worked without problems. I have the rubber washers about 1/2 way up its arm. It never interfered with the tonearm except in providing side thrust compensation. If I send a picture ... 
VPI JMW9 Sig toneram cables - what do you use?
There is no cable on earth that degrades my system as much as any of the Cardas cables do. Truely awful in my setup...especially their power cables. 
I walked into a dealer and got a shock....
..again... I never pushed my Rega, and once the belt was cleaned I never had any trouble. Belts I was told lasts at least 5 years. 
I walked into a dealer and got a shock....
I think dealers sense what you came in the store for and run with it. If you ask about a certain brand, that's what the store will guide you toward. If you come in for a speaker, the store will send you to speakers, rather than discuss an appropri... 
I walked into a dealer and got a shock....
About the Rega too...there are numerous upgrades - rewire the arm, dropped counterweight, Boston mat, but the thing that worked best for me was getting cones - there are many makes - and invert the cones, put 3 under the Rega with the points up in... 
I walked into a dealer and got a shock....
Regarding the Rega 25... When I had that table and inquired about that grinding sound, Rega told me that it was belt slippage. They told me to clean the belt and (I think they said) use talcum powder on it. ..no problem after that. 
VPI JMW9 Sig toneram cables - what do you use?
,,just another thought... Anti-cables are very thin, simply constructed cables - other phono interconnects are much thicker with a much more complicated winding. The Nordost tonearm cable used in the tonearm is extremely thin and uncomplicated (li... 
VPI JMW9 Sig toneram cables - what do you use?
I have tried Sky and Valhalla, and they are both excellent. I know this is an analogue discussion, but just briefly...I tried the super expensive Audioquest that's much more expensive than Sky, and was mighty disappointed. My wife thought the syst...