

Responses from stringreen

SOTA vacuum or no?
Here's a friendly hint for using the VPI periphery clamp - if you do it, you will never take out a cartridge. When taking the periphery clamp off of the record, simply put it over your head and wear it as a necklace until the record is turned over... 
How Many Turntables Have You Owned
Isn't it incredible how much money our little group has spent on just the turntables. Don't forget the amps, preamps, speakers, cables, tuners, tape decks, cartridges, arms, tubes, power conditioners, Record Cleaning Machines, resonance control de... 
How Many Turntables Have You Owned
You just reminded me about the Denon and the Harmon-Kardon with the straight line tracking arm.. I bet more to come 
How Many Turntables Have You Owned
OOPS - I forgot SOTA Saphire, and SOTA Cosmos - more will come to me 
SOTA vacuum or no?
I have a Superscoutmaster and even aside from the sound improvement, I think that flattening a record is extremely worthwhile. A flat record permits the arm to travel across the record effortlessly. The quieter the arm movement, the less the cartr... 
compare VPI Aries & TNT SM to Nottingham 294
Tiger - I have a Superscout and gee whiz, the lows are so clean, extended and natural, I just wonder how it could be better. You can follow string bass and other low instruments effortlessly with complete recognition of proper or improper pitch. M... 
Scout Owners: How Much Cartridge?
Dodgealum...da better da cartridge, da better da sound. The VPI tables at any level are way overachievers. Don't be afraid to use the very best cartridge you can give it. Personally, I never had much luck with the Cartridge Man Isolator. Use the c... 
Purist Proteus Provectus tonearm cable.
Jloveys...you're stuck with it. Purist has in the past ran specials - I think they took their Colossus Series one for series 2. The upgrade was quite expensive though. I would say that only Audiogon would be a good place to get rid of it. 
What Solid State PreAmp?
I have all Ayre equipment. Personally, I hate MBL..sounds like a German tank...heavy with no finesse. 
Ayre K1X vs K1Xe
I too have changed from an Ayre K1 to the xe. You really HAVE to do it. 
compare VPI Aries & TNT SM to Nottingham 294
That's interesting Tiger...I presume the tables went through the same amp, preamp, speakers. Kindly tell what the differences you heard were.. Thanks 
Purist Proteus Provectus tonearm cable.
...just my observation.... Purist cables have a fake sound. They are very "delicious"... great big soundstage (whether the recording was recorded that way or not).. rolled off highs, a kind of phasey sound, etc. It reminds me of how cartoons look ... 
Worth having my SOTA Sapphire refurbished?
audiofeil - what in the world is wrong... Did Harry Weisfield run off with your wife??? You find any opportunity to kick VPI. I have been around high end audio for many years. I have listened to most of the high priced components, and let me tell ... 
Rim Drive Mod or how to make it even better
Harry W... I had to wait as well. The wait is worth it. You get to open up the motor assembly and see a rats nest full of wire. You must cut and reattach the wires. MAKE SURE YOU"RE CUTTING THE CORRECT ONES. Oh - here's something I remember as wel... 
DPS/Ayre Turntable does anyone know anything
What I have head is that DPS has a very complex power supply. When Ayre saw what DPS was doing, Ayre said...Hey = why don't you do it like this. So the result is that Ayre will make the power supply which is much cheaper enabling DPS to price its ...