

Responses from stringreen

Cartridge downgrade?
Yes I did. ..but that was then and this is now. The LP has more delicacy, more inner detail, however it is an incremental upgrade. I could be happy with the H as well... I think. 
Upgrade RB300 Tonearm or Not?
Always upgrade... Let do our part for the economy... 
how to remove the VPI JMW9 arm base
Surely you can call or E-mail VPI, but (and it has been a while since I installed my 10.5), however, I remember the arm base was held in place by wood screws. Be careful when you attach the 10.5 base. Put the template on the plinth, tight up again... 
Cartridge downgrade?
I know Benz hasn't lit fire on these pages, but you really should at least audition the Ebony LP or H. Ayre turned me on to mine, and there are a number of ears I respect who say they both are better than the Dyna XV1S. 
SSM w/Rim Drive - Cloud 11 Vibration issues?
Absolutely, you can contact Mike, however, to put your mind at ease, I had some motor noise when I first installed the rim drive, but it's now gone. I really can't remember, but I think it went away about the same time as I used the softer footers. 
I just went up two notches in resolution
I understand that many Outlaw products are made by Sherwood and and rebadgeed. ..just information, not judgement. I have an Outlaw sub for my Hi Def surround TV system 
SSM w/Rim Drive - Cloud 11 Vibration issues?
Harry told me that Pearson thinks the Superscout with the rim drive is fabulous. There is a review of it which hasn't been published yet. I suppose when these "little bugs" get exterminated, they will run the review. 
JMW 12.5 ZYX Cosmos azimuth setting
Rennie_Perth There HAS to be a way to tilt the arm to correct for azimuth. All the new arms from VPI are adjusted by swinging the dropped counterweight. Yours is an older design. I checked the VPI website and the owners'manual is not posted for yo... 
SSM w/Rim Drive - Cloud 11 Vibration issues?
I am actually using a soft gummy kind of material that once was a mouse pad. Naturally, I tried many different materials, but this was better than the felt. I am very happy with my rim drive setup now. It is far better than when the belts provided... 
SSM w/Rim Drive - Cloud 11 Vibration issues?
This is an E-mail I sent to VPI with Harry's answer regarding the rim driveDate: Fri, 30 May 2008 10:50:55 -0700From: vpi_help_4u@yahoo.comSubject: Re: SuggestionTo: sgreenp@msn.comHi Stan, it's interesting that with the belts you need everything ... 
setting azimuth on VPI turntables
The DMM and Cardas gives excellent results...but so too does the rod method if done carefully. The DMM method is a bit of a pain to go through the hoops, but the results are very clear. As I have said in another post, if you reduce the distance be... 
Showdown: Your Favorite Cart for Classical?
I'm just wondering why there should be a "classical" music preference for a cartridge. It seems to me that all the same issues are in play to reproduce any kind of music...wide dynamic range, full frequency response, clarity, etc., etc. A cartridg... 
Scout Sig with heavy platter or Scoutmaster?
oops - I mean the Superscoutmaster 
Scout Sig with heavy platter or Scoutmaster?
I would (did) get the Scoutmaster. It comes with the motor control, dual motors, and double plinth. If you must wait get the heavy plater later, and the rim drive as well. I think the Dyna is a better sounding cartridge. Coming from a Sonata it is... 
incognito rewire-sonic improvement?
Thom_machris... One of the big differences between the basic VPI 9 inch tonearm and the VPI Signature, is the replacement of Discovery cable to Nordost. The difference is easy to hear in favor of the Nordost. I rewired my Rega arm with Incognito w...