
Responses from sogood51

SACD/DVD-AUDIO vs Technics SH-AC500D Compatible?
Sacd/dvd-audio players decode in the player. If your Technics has the 5.1 analog inputs/pass throughs you are all set. 
AVR5800 and Bose 901
Should be just fine if your Denon has pre outs for the rear channels.It's been a long time and am not 100% sure but I think you would run your pre outs to the bose eq. and then back in to the amp. The bose eq. would always be in the circut for you... 
Should I go for sub-woofer or new speakers?
I sometimes use my sub with my small apogee ribbons and it does give them that full range sound and is very nice change of pace with them. As Thsalmon says,works best if sub is placed between the speakers. In my case,between,to the right and a lit... 
Bent Audio TVC with Krell Ksa-250
Hi Andy,The Bent unit does work very well in my system. I have not listened to any tubes in my system but have in a few other people's and did very much like what they added. I bought the Bent to use with my Vmps towers as a two channel pre for my... 
Where does your user name come from?
I had just retired from General Motors and was 51 years old. The TV was on in the background as I was thinking of a user name. On came a spot with Mr. Food were in the end he always says: oooww it's so good. I thought to myself,yes life is good,re... 
The right choice for pre amp / volume control.
I have the bent audio passive that Twl is talking about and I am more than happy with it. My source is good though so I can't guess at how it might help you,also I have not tried the Placette so I can not say if the bent TVC is better than it. The... 
home theatre amp recommendation
I use a krell kav-500 3 channel amp. These are out there in three and five channels. 100 watts per channel at 8ohm's and a very good sounding amp for two channel. You could move the bryston to the rear. You can find the 3 channel for around $1500 ... 
Bent Audio TVC with Krell Ksa-250
Pipetman,I should not have said ugly I guess,ugly may be a little strong a word. Plain looking would have been better. I am glad to hear that the 102 works well for you also. 
Using 2 pair of speaker cables for single hookup ?
Stick with the pair that you think sound best,sell the other pair. 
Warm and Wet cables?
I have harmonic Tech cables and also acoustic zen which sound much the same as the harmonic tech's. They are both very neutral cables, not sure they would tame a hot treble. 
Looking for a cheap sub...
You could get one as a kit in that price range but it would be a a passive model in that price range so you would have to drive it speaker level. The kits are very easy to put together,pretty much just have to install the drivers into the cabinet.... 
Bent Audio TVC with Krell Ksa-250
Could it be the tube sound as the Grid is an tubed that you liked so much? As the bent transformer volume control is passive with no sound of it's own and not powered at all. Could your system or speakers be a little brite which the bent unit may ... 
Review: Krell FPB-200 Amplifier
Thanks Nrchy,I will check them out. 
Review: Krell FPB-200 Amplifier
Nrchy,can you tell me more about Blackmore's night? Is that Ritchie Blackmore or an album? Glad to hear about the Krell amp,your system looks very nice. I'd like to have that TT in my system. 
Need advice for pre/pro and front end
A top of the line prepro will give you about 80-90% of what you will get out of a good two channel pre. They are a prepro first and everything else must come second. That 80-90% may be good enough for you, it was for me for a long time. If you wan...