
Responses from sogood51

How important is speaker positioning?My experience
Speaker placement can make or break a system in some rooms and that goes for two channel as well as hometheater. Once in a while you get people who buy the wrong speakers for their room or just did not take into account the W.F. so its also a good... 
Review: Carver Professional ZR500 Amplifier
I had read a little bit about this amp and it is very interesting. I will have to give one a listen if I can. Thanks for the post. 
Burnin CDs? Sound loss/degration question
My cd copies sound very,very good and most people probably would say that they sound the same as the cd. But-I am used to my system and how the real cd sounds on it and the copy has a slight loss of air. In the car and on my other system they soun... 
difference between CD recorder and PC burner
Rosstaman,I just went to the alesis masterlink web site and that is a very nice recorder. 
Good speaker match for Krell/Naim?
Try some apogee or magnapans. 
Burnin CDs? Sound loss/degration question
It could be in the burning process and not in the data transfer. Cds are stamped with pits and cdrs are made by heating up some sort of dye. Cdr does not use the same dye as cdrw. Some of the older cd players that could not play cdrs could play cd... 
Vandersteen 2c vs Mirage M1
The mirage m1 are at their best in a large room and away from the rear wall as they can get a little heavy in the bottom end if to closed in. You will need lots of power as they are very power hungry. The m1 and m3 mirage are the best they have bu... 
Overtubing? Danger?
Twl,check with upscaleaudio for those (OAT) tubes. 
difference between CD recorder and PC burner
Cost is less on a pc per disc and gives better quality control over recording. You can get software for pc that will let you have input as to the final quality and there is plenty of free info on the web. 
Merlin VMS versus VMPS RM-40 versus Proac 3.8
Rhyno Get real, nobody stands up and listens to their speakers the set in a chair. Build quality is not known to be low, as a fact if you take the time to check the quality of the drivers,and all other parts you will find that the vmps are way way... 
Help with Starting a HOme Theater
How much are you going to spend? How big is your room? Any more info you can give will help. 
sony xa 777es how good?
First rate. 
Merlin VMS versus VMPS RM-40 versus Proac 3.8
The vmps rm-40's will take you to a level above the merlin or the proac's if you are willing to spend enough time to tune them in to your room. This is their only draw back. It is a slow process and some people are not up to the task. They are ver... 
A Multi-channel connection question - help...
When you set up your processor just set it to no sub and your front channels will get the low fqz. info. Just read your info. that comes with your processor and you will be ok. If your center and rears are not full range I would get a sub when you... 
Krell Amps vs others
I run a krell Ksa250 0n my large power hungry speakers. jffyg is right on the money regarding weight and heat of class a high power amps. My amp is 150 lbs. and runs very warm to the touch. My book states that it can put out 2000 watts into 1 ohm ...