
Responses from sogood51

Is 2 channel dead?
I would just like to say: ( For a bunch of smart guy's, you guy's have no idea what your talking about.) Some of the info. that comes off this site is total shit, grow a brain. How in the heck could two speakers out do 5-7 speakers if they were se... 
Desperately seeking the elusive tube sound
Docjr8156, yes you may need some help. Lucky for you though as you can get it right here at this site for free and save on a doctor bill. There are some tube doctors that post here. 
Does SACD & Redbook Playback req Two Interconnects
Michaelscott73, I think your model may be different, you may want to check your book though. If your's works this way it should state it in the book as mine does. 
what amp/pre/pro for my Zingali 3s
Hi Dcktr, the sonic frontier would be great, I use a simple passive in my system. I would do a post asking for advice on good tube pre for this if you want to go with tube set up. If you want to go with a passive set up I would go with F.T. audio ... 
Balance in Nature/Double Advents/Impedance/NAD2600
The amp should be fine, If the amp were bridged into a four ohm load it would see a two ohm load. You would not want to run four ohm speakers with it in bridged mode. The level controls should be set a max unless you need to adjust in a bi-amp setup. 
what amp/pre/pro for my Zingali 3s
Dcktr, I hate to say this but at your price range for pre-pro/amps your kinda between a hard spot and a rock. I don't know much about your speakers but I would guess that you like them a lot. I did hear that they are very unforgiving of poor recor... 
Bass Management
Voodoochile, yes that is correct, the other way to do it would be if you have pre outs for all channels. In thes case you would hook it in like you could a graphic eq.(between the pre outs and the amp in's. There are usually jumpers connecting the... 
CD Players that deliver outstanding vocals
Get a better pre-amp, active or passive, any good cdp will give good vocals. Also you could get a cdp with a good volume control built in and skip the pre-amp. 
Is 2 channel dead?
All multichannel sacd's have two channel layer. I would not worry about it. 
speaker sensitivity dividing lines
My Vmps's are 91db, not to hard to drive, but still take a fair amount of power. I would say they are in the medium sensitivity camp. I think your pretty much right on with your chart keeping speakers with wild impedance swings out of the picture ... 
Speakers for Bryston 4B-SST
A lot of people might use that amp to drive magnapan 1.6's. 
What's you opinion?
Why do audiophile's spend so much time and money on expensive amp stands? Why not just put your amp on top of your sub? The vibrations from the sub would have no effect on the sound would it? The answer must be no or they would not stick the amp i... 
Does SACD & Redbook Playback req Two Interconnects
Yes, two channel direct will use three dac's per side on the xa777es for the two channel analog outs. 
Does SACD & Redbook Playback req Two Interconnects
The two channel analog outs will pass both, the 5.1 outputs do not need to be used unless you want multichannel. You set the defalt to two channel direct mode for best sound on two channel, I have XA777 model. 
Which CD transport vs. all-in-one box under $2,000
I have sony xa777es player in my system. It is a multichannel sacd player which is all so a true highend redbook player. It can be found at your price new on line and I don't think (IMHO) you can find a better player for $2000. Do a search over at...