
Responses from sogood51

Need advice for pre/pro and front end
Looks like you are all set for great two channel sound except for your cdp and your preamp,so I would go there. For a good pre I would go with a passive transformer volume control like I did or a good tube active with a pass through for home theat... 
How important is tuning?
Yes it is, along with proper room placement and room tuning. 
Home Theater processor opinions
Reasonably priced that will not degrade HDTV signal does not exist. The Sunfire theatergrand II has balanced outs and can do all the rest. I have one I use with my Krell amps. The down side is that you will have to get DB-25 cable with six RCA's o... 
Bent Audio TVC with Krell Ksa-250
Thanks Twl, There have been lots of posts by people wondering about passives so I thought I would post on a transformer based unit. While it is easy to keep your interconnects short from your cdp to pre it is not always easy to keep them short to ... 
2003 CES Show Report from Father & Son Audio
Thanks Mike, I look forward to reading your full report on the show. 
2003 CES Show Report from Father & Son Audio
I saw the picture of the new VMPS speakers, how was the finish on these? hard to tell from the picture, also how did they sound in that small room? 
Cheap Bryston active or Creek OBH12 passive?
I bought a bentaudio passive preamp to try in my system. I have only had a chance to listen for a couple of hours so far but I can tell you this, it is much more of an improvement to my system than I had dreamed it would be. I am useing two meter ... 
Bi-wiring/Bi-amping...worth the fuss and expense?
On some speakers its easy to hear the improvement and on others not at all. I have not thought that much of bi-wiring most of the speakers I have owned so far. I have bi-amped before and thought it was a big improvement when done right (not easy o... 
Is Aragon 3005 a good amp for marting logan?
Run a splitter (Y-connector) from your preamp front left and right outputs to four of the amps. Hook your speakers to those four amps, you should have two sets of speaker inputs on each speaker. Do a search on google for bi-amp, there should be lo... 
preamp vs. no-preamp
Sutts, My Bent TVC was shipped out yesterday. John said it should work very well in my system. I am going to try with a Sony xa777es and a krell ksa-250. I have Vmps super tower/R's and also a set of apogee centaur minor's to try it out with. Hope... 
Does anyone's cable TV provider offer HDTV?
Comcast will have HDTV soon in the Michigan area, I don't know about other areas though. 
Is Aragon 3005 a good amp for marting logan?
Armando, The Aragon is a very good amp but so is the B&K. The Aragon is a five channel amp and the B&K is seven channel. Why don't you take the two extra channels in the B&K and biamp your Martin Logans? This would sound better than th... 
Mixing Amps in a HT Set-up?
Yes,Yes and he.s nuts. 
Mid to High end CD player vs. universal plus DAC
Get off an extra $200 bucks and get a Sony XA777ES. Blows all of that stuff out of the water. Plus you get Sacd. The xa777es is as good as 99% of the red book players out there on red book and is as good as a top of the line TT on Sacd discs. 
DSP for two channel.
Bad idea Ljgj, you need a spanking.