
Responses from sogood51

Bass Management
foreverhifi, he only needs to hook his players 5.1 outputs to the ICBM and then the 5.1 outputs on the ICBM go to the 5.1 inputs on his receiver. 
What's the best USB audio interface?
This is what I use, USB dac with head phone and rca outs. 
Bass Management
Bass management, If any for sacd along with dvd-audio would be in the player itself. Your receiver bass management is for DD&DTS. Music surround setup is a little different than for movie surround. I would only use monopole or bipole speakers ... 
Allison Krauss fans, try this one.
I agree 100%. 
Anybody has audtioned the VMPS Super Tower III
The RM40 is a heck of a speaker and will put a lot of high end speakers to shame, but not the Super Tower III. The big super tower is much better, maybe even in a class all by itself if you've got the room and gear to go with it and can get by the... 
rolling diagnol lines when playing dvd movie
Go to, they can help. Some real smart video people over there. 
Amp recommendation for N801
He has a Bryston, nice warranty. 
Amp recommendation for N801
A good match for the Nautilus is a used Krell. 
Placette vs. Creek remote volume controllers?
Kana813 thanks, Sorry about that. My passive and the F.T. audio passive I had checked on do not have power cord. The placette may indeed have some sonic signature. 
Placette vs. Creek remote volume controllers?
Tok2000, The placette only has power for the remote control to work. Passive units of any brand do not have power cords unles they have a remote, mine does not. 
Speakers room positioning - diff tricks ?
I tend to use an odd even line grid to get me going, not always thirds or fourths but odd/even. Then I go from there and depending on room size and speaker size (how much air they can move) I'll work from there as to back/side walls. It gets me st... 
My heart goes out to the families of Columbia
My heart goes out also, every time one of the shuttles go up I can't help but feel a little fear for them, and after this time it will be more so. 
Best $4-7K speaker for HT and music?
I agree with Timo 100%, Legacy Audio Focus 20/20. They will give you huge spl's and stay audiophile all the way. I think they run about $6200. 
Do not know if I should upgrade Speakers HELP
How will you get that 200 watts if you only have 100 watts of power to work with now? Sounds like you are playing it to loud already, (snarling) get more power first or don't turn it up so loud. If you must have loud with only 100 watts then get s... 
Onkyo VS Onkyo Integra
The Integra line for Onkyo is what the ES line is for sony. I have an Onkyo Integra M-504 power amp that I bought some years ago. It will hold it's own with some very good amps in the sonics department and can drive just about any speaker to a hig...