
Responses from sogood51

Monopole or bipole speakers sound the best on music for rear speakers in med-larger rooms. In a very small room you might want to stay with the dipole's. 
subwoofer with paradigm reference 100 v2
I'm not sure what you would (could add)bass wise to the big Paradigm's, they are already big daug's on the bottom end and I guess you could say every place else in the musical spectrum also. If you want more, I would go with two subs as only one s... 
Vandersteen 2c vs Mirage M1
When you posted on this a while back I was trying to be nice to the Vandy people because they can get a little upset if you nock (One of the best buys in HiFI) them against another speaker. The Mirage M1's are more in line with the vandy 5's or ma... 
System Plateau--Help Me Take The Next Step
The cans are what you think sound the best (and other people) so lets try to work from there, the Meridian and the Thiel's should stay as they both fit the headphone type of sound you want (lots of detail with tight fast bass}. The Rouge needs to ... 
Home Theater and Two Channel With Out Reciever?
You could do what you are asking but you would have to pay a price that would cost $$$. Go to Bent audio web site and check out their passive hometheater set up, It is not the Transformer 102 that you hear a lot about. It is a set up for hometheat... 
Vandersteen 2c vs Mirage M1
Hate to be a jerk but the Adcom will not really be up to the task, Get something that will take them for a real ride if you can swing it (I know,I know $$$) I run my monster thumpers with Krell Ksa-250 (Can be had for around $2500). 
Where to go from Odyseey Stratos monoblocks
I'm going to give you some advice for an amp for your speakers, I don't post on amp choices much as I do not find amps to be as important (I know,I'll catch hell for this one) as pre-amp,cdp,TT or speakers. Every system, and I have had many, have ... 
Review: Krell KSA-150 Amplifier
Gooddomino, The Ksa-150 is a good choice for your cdp. It should drive the Krell to full power. The Ksa-250 is a little harder to drive for a passive volume. As far as the sound between the Aragon and the Krell, that will depend on your speakers, ... 
Which should I upgrade next?
I'd go with Bigkids advice first, speaker placement can change your outlook on your whole system. I know that I had mine in the same spot for about a year at one time and moved them one day just for the heck of it, It can change the sound of your ... 
Comparing the Denon 3803 with the Onkyo TX-SR800
Thats a very nice speaker system you have there, I would say very,very nice would not be to strong a statement. I would get something a lot or at least higher up in the chain than what you are thinking of. I know you might not like that thought ($... 
Review: Krell KSA-150 Amplifier
Hi Chiefdaug, glad to hear the Ksa-150 brings out the best in the Acoustats. The Ksa-150/250's were two of the best amps ever built by Krell IMHO and are a great buy on the used market. I have a Ksa-250. The Ksa-150/250 were from what Krell called... 
Need your Opinion
I would try to stay in the Krell line if you can swing it,if not you should stay as close as you can to get a nice clear transfer of sound from one speaker to the others. If you have to use another brand of amp then do as foreverhifi says and stay... 
How Do I Start Playing With the Big Boys and Girls
Zaikesman, I was not trying to have Jcbach belive anything. In his post he stated his goals for his system and I gave him my advice on how to reach those goals. He stated that he did not care about hihg volume levels and wanted his system to sound... 
Is 2 channel dead?
You don't say much Albert,but I will have to say,when you do say something,it's still not much. 
How Do I Start Playing With the Big Boys and Girls
If you want to keep your sonic's pure as you say,forget the tubes,that is not what they are about. The tube sound that you will get is not pure in any way shape or form. Don't get me wrong,tubes can sound very good but if you want a clear and pure...