
Responses from sogood51

Are floating walls and ceilings THAT important?
Think- Room inside a room. That is what I am doing. I am just now starting to set up and do a few listening tests and I am on the right track that is for sure. Can't wait to get it done and tuned 100%. 
SACD transports? Which models can transmit SACD?
There are only Two Sacd players that will do it, the catch is that you must also use their Receiver. So the answer would have to be no. 
New Processor
If you can find a dealer in your area I would also check out the Sunfire Theatergrand III. It is very good on two channel. 
Apogee centaur minor or Magnepan MMG
Thanks Brauser and Diver,I have a system that does deep bass. These would be used when I am reading or on the computer. I have only listened to the large Apogee and Magnepan speakers before, I hope one of these will capture some of that magic. The... 
Pro & Con: side firing subwoofers....
If you have to place them to close to the wall in a small room they could be a large problem for you. They can make the large floorstanding speaker look smaller by side placement of the sub, not as fat and ugly. 
Krell KSA-250 Rev. B?
I could be wrong but I think the ksa was changed to stay in class A mode to a higher output. I think the rear of it is layed out like the ksa-300 also. 
Should I Upgrade My Krells
Itch, You could replace your krell with an old onkyo and get that imaging. Here is what I did the other day, I have been building a new room on to my home for the last few months. The room is far enough along to do some sound checks on so for the ... 
Help with pre/pro for Krell/B&K/Martin Logans
I use a sunfire theatergrand II with my system and I think it is a very nice preamp/processor. You can find one used for about $1400 or so. I do not know if it is as good as the anthem or the bryston as I have not listened to those. 
Sonic Frontiers Line 1 have SACD or DVDA ability?
You can use any preamp in two channel. 
Round Two: Best Speakers for LOUD music and rock??
Get two pair of Vmps ST/RSE and stack the left one on top of the right upside down so the ribbons are in line with each other, bolt them to each other with a bracket in the rear. Get two powerhouse SS amps for the bass and run the mids off of your... 
Merlin VMS versus VMPS RM-40 versus Proac 3.8
Well said Ehider, little speakers belong in little rooms and big speakers belong in big rooms. I hate little tiny pianos setting down or standing up. 
Help My friend wants to go with some DQ-10s
I had some DQ-10's years ago and at the time thought they were some great speakers. I had to buy a new amp after I got them, my 100 watt SAE amp would not push them very well. I don't think they went much below 40hz but as I recall what they did d... 
Vandersteen 2c vs Mirage M1
The M1's were a Mirage statement speaker to get them on the map, They got very good press. The M3 was very close to the M1 sound wise. In any case they both were very good speakers. 
Onkyo SE-U55 or Stereo-Link 1200?
I have the stereo-link and as you say it has no input or output for other gear. It has headphone output with volume control. I will say that it took my computer sound from bad-pretty darn good, it is a usb device and as such takes your computer so... 
What does + or - in speaker binding translate to?
Sorry Bemopti123, With all these wires we have in our systems We can all get a little confused at times. Merry Christmas Dave