

Responses from snook2

what the _____
I have had the worst luck with tube amps for nearly 8 years. About every 3 months I would watch tubes in flames or major other problems. One manufacturer said I just have bad luck. So I changed my luck and went to SS. Now I leave the house without... 
Forget Clapton, Roger Modjeski is god
Kitch, You are correct about Modjeski. His products are top notch. The first time I heard the RM-10 I couldn't believe the bottom end control for a tube amp with the clarity. He's been around along time and I guess he prefers to stay on a smaller ... 
Best Pre-amp under 7k
Rayhall I'm not bashing CAT. I've owned them for 5 years. Aloia's phono stage had more gain openness and air. The line stages of both are excellent. Since I've listened to both extensively I would give Aloia(Inductive)an edge. 
New CAT owner with a few questions????
I have to agree with superclamp on the MK-3. I didn't hear any difference from the Ultimate to the MK-3. You can probably find a real steal on a MK-3 
Best Pre-amp under 7k
The Aloia preamp is a step-up from the CAT at about 3500 retail but will be raising their prices. 
New CAT owner with a few questions????
Was A CAT owner for 4years and now have the Aloia. Both are excellent with an edge to the Aloia in the phono stage. Aloia is about half the price 
Best Digital Cable for Karik Numerik?
I found the illuminati d-60 to be more revealing than the original cable. 
Top three most over underrated eqpmt??
Transparent, Purist, B&W 801 
Reference Vocal/Piano/Sax/Guitar CD s
Keith Jarrett has a bunch of recordings on the ECM label. Take your pick. Jan Garbarek "Rites" Kenny Wheeler's Angel Song is tops. Steve Tibbetts These are all ECM. Check their website 
Coping in an Age of Uncertainty
Samir, Thats the best logic. 
dvd vs cd?
Your right EARS you still can't beat vinyl. Check out the Audiomeca gear better voicing than the Sony. Don't hold your breath on more SACD titles for at least 2more years 
Best amp for Dunlavy Aletha
Dunlavy Bi-amped the Aloia's for the 2001ces. I wasn't there to hear that combo. I'm using the Aloia'S with the 5's with the best results. Call Andrew Rigby for the best opinion 
Bi-wiring speakers
Well said Hellohifi. If they insist on buying it then keep selling it. 
dvd vs cd?
I don't think you'll see a mass format change from cds in a long time. I upgraded the Muse 8 dvd transport to the Audiomeca Mephisto 2 cd transport. I guess I'm going backwards with a much more analoglike sound 
Preamp with Remote ?
Right on audionut.Went from CAT ultimate to Aloia. Great sounding preamp at a steal of a price