

Responses from snook2

Has anyone used cones on there Dunlavys'
Interesting Steven. Which Dunlavy's did you modify? Was this difficult to do? 
Best 3-way or 4-way speaker under $15K
Dunlavy V are a 4 way speaker. If you can handle their size they are one of the best. Audio Video logic has a Demo for 9K. They retail for 15K. I auditioned them with B&w and Vandersteen's. Dunlavy's walked away in sounstage and Dynamics. Also... 
Sonus Faber vs B&W
There's a chain store Sound Advice in Florida that sells all B&W. I 've seen some unbelievable deals at certain times of the year. Since they are a chain the sales people aren't the most knowledgeable. They do allow you to keep a product for 3... 
Upgrade Time Again.... please help
Gm, I'm sure their a lot less. Cornfed probably knows more. Go to manufacturers and try to get a dealer listing. 
Upgrade Time Again.... please help
Accuphase M-2000 Mono's are 27'000 The Boulders 2050 Mono's are 59'000 Is that insane? 
What CD is your System Reference
Same choice Jerie, Kiss My Axe. 
anyone with a 'system' near me?
Joolz, I don't understand what tally means. Posted after your deletion 
SS vs Tube: What do you hear?
Depends alot on the synergy of all components. When I changed speakers to Dunlavy V's I had to get rid of the tube Amps. They just couldn't control these speakers. I like loud jazz fusion so the ss is the better mate. Both types of amps have their... 
Upgrade Time Again.... please help
Check out Aloia. I recently replaced the Wolcotts with these. Are equal to the Lamm's and cost less than 4k. Better than plinius or the Bryston's. You'll have to see for yourself 
dCS vs. Dodson DACs
I am currently using a Muse 296 with Audiomeca transport. I am going to check out the Dodson Dac. Has anyone heard both of these dac's. ? What's your impressions? 
New Visitor Confused Over Upgrade
$9,999.99 is also six figures. How's that for technical specifications? 
Upsampling/Advice on Transport
One of the best tranports is the Audiomeca Mephisto. I just replaced the Muse 8. Great air and detail. 
Best Ambient Music
Just about anything a record store can't classify goes into the NEW AGE bins. I guess Ambient would get thrown in there. Ambient was pretty big in late 70's. The big artists were Brian Eno and Klaus Schulze. It seemed to me it was mostly synthesiz... 
1955-2001 Favorite Top Ten Rock Groups
Trelja Is Third ST. Jazz store still open in Phila. The best Vinyl store I've ever been in. Gentle Giant Genesis Who 
"Kid A" the new "Dark Side @ Moon" ?
I checked out Kid A. They were being compared to Brian eno. Not even close! Good hype in trying to compare to DSOM. It should make them a few more bucks