

Responses from snook2

SS versus Tubes
Well said Garfish. System matching and type of music will dictate more than anything on your preference. Another reason I dropped the tubes was reliability 
VTL 450 SIG. vs. Wolcott P220M
Wolcott was a bad match with the Dunlavy V's. Bright sounding and lacking upper Bass 
Warm sounding ss power amps
Try the Aloia's. Lars fredell ranks them in equality to his Lamm gear. They drive the Dunlavy V's better than tubes I've used 
Audio Tekne Phono cables
Mike, I replaced synergistic, transparent,nordost and most of the JPS full sets. Its probably a better phono cable than the transparent or TG Audio( Bob Crump) cable. Rest of system is Dunlavy,Aloia, Audiomeca, and VPI w/Benz ruby. 
The "Broken Blue Point Special Club"
I had 3 BPS in a row installed by the dealer which failed for no reason. The dealer dropped the line because of it. 
Finally gonna buy new speakers, ideas?
Dunlavy V's is great choice if you have a large room. Very compatible to many amps and room friendly 
Info on the Cary slp90L?
I owned the Cary and it is midfi at most. Their amps are Cary's strength 
avalon ascent to avalon eidolon
I heard the Eidolons for a short time and was not ultra impressed. This could have been an electonics issue among other things. When I asked the dealer why they seemed a bit bass shy he told me that it takes a long time for them to break in. He th... 
What causes listener fatique? cure?
Hey Clint, Is there a cure for country music. Great adress 
Tired of SS amp.
I found the Dunlavy's a hard match with tubes. I replaced Cary-200's and Wolcott mono's with Aloia and got the best control. 
Your vote - BEST CD PLAYER in the world??
Sutts, I agree on the Audiomeca. The Mephisto II is just a transport though. 
Best Solid State Amp For 10k Or Less
Shouldn't be a problem using the Aloia (inductive). This is mere speculation though. How inefficient are the Dynaudio's. They can easily control all the Dunlavy speakers. You can bi-amp for less than 8k. 
California Brownouts and equipment
Get out of Cal. 
How much does your system retail for?
Retail 75,000 Black Market price around 20,000. What a steal 
Audiomecca Mephisto
I have the Mephisto II and the Enkianthus. It does not get any better period. I was especially amazed at the transports ability to separate the instruments and pinpoint imaging. Some think this combo is the best digital playback. I agree