

Responses from snook2

Ken Burns' JAZZ starts Monday on PBS!
Why is Wynton Marsalis the spokesperson for Jazz in the last 5 years. With all the great horn players in the last 50years,someone else should have stepped forward. 
Rock? money down the drain?
I feel the same about people who listen to country rooted music. Iwoudn't be worth it to me but it's all subjective. 
Help!My systems sound too bright
Don't give up any of your equipment! You should be able to borrow a high powered ss amp to see if that's your problem.I spent months on cables. I couldn't believe that the tubes(wolcotts) were the problem 
Help!My systems sound too bright
Try a high current ss amp. I had the same problems using tube amps with Dunlavy V's. This was the cure. 
Old Timers Advice Required
Sndsel you are really old 
Bela Fleck and the Flecktones
Great band great musician and very good recordings. The UFO_TOFU is a good system tester. Tales from acoustic planet,live art, left of cool, to name a few. Very musically satisfying even if you dislike country or bluegrass 
Hidden Audiophile Classics
Steve Tibbetz on Frammis bzz label and the yr album. Massive Attack "Protection" 
Wanted: Exceptional preamp w/remote
I have owned the CAT IV and the Ultimate great preamps. I recently switched to the Aloia gear. Probably a lateral move except the Aloia has a better phono stage. At one half the cost I sold the CAT and made some money. Aloia has the outputs for bi... 
Vote for the best speakers in 10K range
Rayhall, How can you give such a statement without ever hearing the Soundlabs. 
Patricia Barber and Stereophile
Is it possible that the recording's phase is inverted. I have heard this in some other recordings 
Horrific Confession and Question
I hate to admit it. Last year at an outdoor seafoodfest I wanted to hear where the live music was coming from. As i got closer I shrugged noticing a musician selling his CD's through a booth with Bose Omni directional speakers. I kept wondering wh... 
Your 5 Fav Rock Concerts
Peter gabriel Gong Gentle Giant 
Best Solid State Amp For 10k Or Less
Check out Aloia's with inductive power supply. You can buy one new for less than 4k. They are relatively new on US market. In my system they have been the best I've heard compared to the Levinson334,Cary slm200's and the Wolcott Presence and these... 
Cheap bi-wiring?
Does the bi-wiring sound significantly better or just different. I have heard no positive difference but that is with Dunlavy and Paradigm speakers. Dunlavy does not believe in bi-wiring to make better sound. The best thing to do is rent a bunch o... 
Help me find a smooth solid-state amp?
Aloia Amps with the inductive power supply. Smooth and powerful. THe best I have heard