

Responses from snook2

Monoblocks did not work
Are you sure your interconnects and speaker cables are consistent with vertical bi-amping. I got better sound with the Aloi's at 30 watts than I did with bigger amps. Bi-amping increased the soundstage immensely. 
Cowboy Junkies "Open" opinions
I just listened to the the Trinity sessions. I am a first time listener of the Junkies. What an awful recording! Ultra high noise level. It sounded like an industial fan was emanating behind her voice especially on the first cut. She does have an ... 
Audiomecca Mephisto
How about you Mr. Crump? Would you be willing to do the upgrades. I know you can do the job. You have some of the finest cables and power cords. I have not heard that preamp yet. 
Aloia's and Power
The Aloia is the best amp for controlling the Dunlavy V's I have had in my system. I had amps with up to 300 watts per channel that couldn't do the job that the Aloia's do. It's the current that drives the speakers. Apparently nothing to do with t... 
fusion jazz recommendations
Check out ECM label. Hundreds of the best fusion. I like years 75-80. Second on the Brand X. All the Return to Forever stuff and evrything that branched off from each musician 
Audiomecca Mephisto
What sonics were changed with the upgrades. I am highly interested in the upgrades and what would the ballpark cost be. 
Loudspeakers played LOUD
The V's have room shaking tight and accurate bass. The IV's were a bit thin in that area. I've read where the Legacy line excels at high levels. Any thoughts? 
Absolute Best power amp, tube ss
If your A LAMM fan check out Lars Fredell's review of the Aloia amp. It equalled his Lamm reference at one-tenth the cost. 
CAT Ultimate Pre Amp
CAT ranks up there in the linestage. The phono stage could use improvement compared to other preamps. I had no problem with it's mechanics. Depending how nitpicking you are I would go with the MkIII at a fraction of the cost without losing sonics. 
synergistic des. ref vs nordost Valhalla
I've tried both cables in my system with good results. the better cable is Audio Tekne. 
Audio Tekne
They are the best cables I have used to date. They replaced or bettered Nordost,siltech,JPS, and synergistic cables. They seemed to make the sound crystal clear. A great attribute is there size and pliability compared to the other cumbersome cables. 
Biggest soundstage in a CD Player ?
Audiomeca Mephisto and the Audiomeca Enkianthus dac. Simply some of the best 
CD Recommendations
Steve Stevens "flamenco a go go" Al DiMeola "kiss my axe" Anything by Steve Tibbetts,Paul Haslinger "score", Bill Brufords"apart and yet a part",Bill Nelson's "after the satellite sings, Project LO " black canvas" These will get your heart pumping... 
John Dunlavy On "Cable Nonsense"
Dunlavy wins again 
SS versus Tubes
Well said Garfish. System matching and type of music will dictate more than anything on your preference. Another reason I dropped the tubes was reliability