

Responses from snook2

Thanks for advice on smooth amp!
I recently auditioned the Aloia Amps and then purchased. You may be able to find a used one for less than 3K. They are relatively new in the US market. Before I had these I owned CAT,Wolcotts. THese are much Smoother than the tubes at 4 times the ... 
Jazz- Modern big band
Maria Scneider is probably the newest and best on the scene. How about Claus Ogerman 
I,m with jeffloistarc once you get it right don't mess with it. Throw away the mags the reviews and listen to the music. then get on audiogon and read how troubled and confused everyone else is 
The best Neutral Power cord ?
Kevperro is right about Bob Crump of TG audio. Great cables and great price. Smart move in not spending over $300 it's not worth it. 
Single bi-wire or double bi-wire ?
I agree with leafs. Bi-amping makes a considerable positive difference. With lots of experimenting on bi-wires I have heard no consderable differences. Save your money on something more important 
Best amp match for Paradigm Studio 100s
Call paradigm and find what they use. They have usually checked lots of amps for perfect matching for their shows. It may not to be your liking but its a good place to start. 
Best Retailer Youve Done Business With?
Steve Davis HIFIFARM I don't even mess with my local dealers anymore. He definitely knows the business and what you need. 
do tubes rock ??
The main reason I switched to SS. I like a wide variety of music and SS is better especially rock or fusion.The wolcott's can play loud but I coudn't get the ultimate in bass control 
Lamm electronics and Sound Lab
Check out the Wolcott amps. A lot of Soundlab owners have said these are the best match. the price is right also 
best amp
I am using Dunlavy 5's and have better control and sound from a 70 watt amp compared to a 300watt. I agree with Avguygeorge keep your amps 
amp for B &W 801
Make sure you audition the Wolcotts before purchasing. A great Amp but is a terrible match with Dunlavy 5's which have two 12 inch woofers. I am using Aloi's with inductive power which is awesome ss. Should be great with the 801's. I agree with bi... 
Top Ten Speaker Cables of all time?...
Thanks Dan I wasn't kidding. Most of the top dogs in the business of reveiwing are using this cable. Would like to see what its all about. 
INTERCONNECT-advice from knowers!
I used the JPS with the 4's. I am now using Audio Tekne which are excellent. In my opinion, I couldn't find any tube amp to control the bass. Your problem may be your amps. You will not get a night and day change from a new cable. I've owned the 4... 
Class "A" solid state vs. Tube amp.?
For the last 10 years I was a diehard tubeman. Having Cary, ARC,and Wolcott. I just tried a SS Aloia amp and got the best control and sound. It made me a believer in solid-state. Pass amps are very good but I think you will be surprised if listen ... 
Top Ten Speaker Cables of all time?...
Would love to hear the Purist cables. Can one demo these ultra expensive cables without purchasing first.