

Responses from snook2

Attention Scientists, Engineers and Na-s
Stevemj is the winner 
Best female vocals on CD
Just listened to Ferrell's Individuality. Nice voice but totally heartless. Same ballpark as Celine. Has Ferrell done any older stuff. Maybe that style isn't complimentary 
Dodson MKll D, Levinson 360S, dCS Delius
Just upgraded the MUSE Model 8 and 296 dac for the audiomeca Mephisto transport and the Enkianthus dac. I couldn't do a long Analysis with the Dodson or the dcs. In the short term I found the Audiomeca better in resolution and voicing. The Muse eq... 
Vandy 5s vs Wilson W/P 6s
Wilson doesn't seem to get high ratings on audiogon. I would take the Wilson's hands down. IMO Vandersteen's are boring 
is there a great used tube for 1000??
Kitch is right. The Music Reference is a classic tube amp. The RM-9 replaced a pair of Quicksilver monos about 6 years ago and I forgot which models. 
Tubes vs Solid State
Racers I agree. I've owned the best of tubes for years before hearing the Aloia(inductive). It's the best I've heard with reliability and cost 
Tubes vs Solid State
Neither is good. I use the other type of AMP. Much better than tubes or SS 
Speaker punishing bass
Sedond what was your opinion on the VMPS speakers. I forget which model but these are some of the finest speakers I have heard 
Amazing Solo Piano Recordings
Kieth Jarrett Check ECM Label for your choice. There are to many to list. Evan's "symbiosis" 
Speaker punishing bass
Bill Laswell/Sacred System "Nagual Site" This Is punishing Bass 
FIM Gold Power Cords Problems?
Keep posting and forget the ratings. 
Sonics of a VPI Aries Turntable
It's an excellent table with JMW 10" and the Ruby. Great sound and great value. I had the same problems with the Linn LP12 with suspension. I was wondering what Phono cables you found the best 
I need the more better digital
Khirkpa, The price for both is around 10k OUCH! They are the best I've heard. I was reluctant to buy at this price but was told they could be modified to play all the new formats. I hope this is true IF they come to fruition. As far as reviews I h... 
I need the more better digital
Audiomeca is the best I've heard.The Mephisto2 transport and the Enkianthus dac. I auditioned this with the dcs and the dodson. This combo also sounded better than the Sony sacd. 
As a Lamm owner
Glide you need to hear these. I thought I was listening to a good system(wolcott amps and CAT ultimate)and then a dealer asked me to give these Aloia's a listen. I couldn't believe how well these controlled the Dunlavy V's. This is the best sound ...