
Responses from seanheis1

Integrated amplifier search
Schiit Ragnarok integrated plus a Modi Multibit.  
The Harbeth phenomenon
Maybe it’s just me but Harbeth speakers sound slow. Probably not a big deal for acoustic or Diana Krall, but I find it to be an issue with faster music.  
NAD D3045 vs NAD C268 for KEF LS50 - which amp for greatest synergy with KEF LS50?
Be careful pairing LS50 with Class D. Things can get very lean, bright, and analytical quickly. 
Pop-up spam is making this site unusable.
Adblocker pro fixed the issue for me. Still the site should be fixed.  
Pop-up spam is making this site unusable.
I still see them on iPhone. They take over the Safari browser and take me to another SPAM site. Go into the amps discussion from iPhone/Safari and I get routed to with a huge pop up that says Congratulations! and a picture of a... 
The new Schiit Aegir Amplifier now shipping
By using the Vidar case and selling a bunch of these, they can make $300-$400 a unit and be fine. First Watt sells such few units of each model, they need to make $1500 to $2000 per unit.  
Site is hacked
I see the ads but no popups on a clean cache of Safari on iPhone. I think this forum accepts ads for a little extra money. Pretty typical these days. I have my pop up blocker on. 
Review: Silverline SR17 Supreme speakers
It was the Minuet Supreme. It was the pair that Alan brought to audio shows. He is a really nice guy. The Rosewood finish is excellent. They definitely beat the RS1s in the looks department.  
Review: Silverline SR17 Supreme speakers
Rega’s are more alive...greater presence. Higher resolution but no fatigue. The Minuets are the mellower speaker. Slightly veiled. Rega tweeter is hands down better. Both have excellent midrange. Rega RS1 is much better in near field. Minuets exce... 
Review: Silverline SR17 Supreme speakers
The Minuets are incredible for the size. I used to own them until they were dethroned by the Rega RS1.  
Review: Silverline SR17 Supreme speakers
The original Silverline SR17 is also a honey. If you can get a pair for under $1500 and in good shape, I don't think there is a better value in hifi stand mounters.  
Upgrade the projector or projector screen?
The screen is more of a factor if you don’t have light control. Since you do, focus on the projector 📽 and getting one with the right throw distance for your room.  
KEF LS50 or Harbeth P3ESR for desktop system?
With near field listening and in the sweet spot I am hearing things from the Beatles I've never heard before! Things like Ringo's bongos that was lost in the background now come out to the forefront and you can almost hear every individual finger ... 
KEF LS50 or Harbeth P3ESR for desktop system?
I would say Harbeth for tonal accuracy. The KEFs are more metallic sounding. KEF has the advantage of being close to a point source (coherence) and brings more weight to the party in the lower mids and bass.My vote Harbeth but with the added condi... 
Is There a Speaker for Me/Impossible Requirements? (budget: $2000)
I've always thought Sennheiser phones and Ohm Walsh speakers have an overall more laid back sonic similarity along the lines you indicate appeal to you FWIW.   I've had several of each. The Ohms still draw me in best overall. I own Ohm Walsh tall ...