
Responses from seanheis1

Advise on book shelf speakers less then $750
The Wharfdale denton is a good budget BBC type monitor. They are on the mellow and sweet side of the menu.  
Are the new Ohm Walsh speakers Audiophile quality?
Schiit didn’t have many professional reviews until they did an ad buy in Stereophile...then their high end DAC was reviewed. Its just how the game usually works. BTW, the Ohms are incredible.  
The High End for Under a Grand?
JBL Studio 530 speakers, Emotiva mini 50 watt amp, a schiit DAC, and a chromecast audio will embarrass a lot of higher end systems. The Studio 530s are the real deal.  
A DAC that crushes price vs. performance ratio
Also in 30 years of professional sales experience we have seen products that have performed well for less money like the Auralic Vega but again that was a $3,500 dac that matched in some ways a $7,000.00 Meitner but again, not a $2k dac that is so... 
High order crossovers
I think there are scientific explanations for many of our subjective observations. When the science and the observation seem to be at odds, then either the observation has a mistake in it or the science is faulty or incomplete. In other words, ... 
High order crossovers
Robbing dynamics? Not so sure. Sucking the soul out of the music 🎶 with that 7th order crossover? You didn’t think that ruler flat response was a free lunch, did you?  
Mytek slams Hypex in Stereophile Amp Review
All these class D companies utilize modules from several main suppliers which they modify to their own tastes... Yet, NuPrime manufactures their own modules and is the best Class D I have heard with the NuPrime ST-10. And, that is not even the... 
Small or large sub for music
I have a “full” range speakers supported by 2 JL212 subs. The subs Integrated with the main speakers so well that now I cannot listen to the system without the subs. The quality of the subs is very critical. I would disagree and say that getting t... 
Mytek slams Hypex in Stereophile Amp Review
Seriously, the Class D are amazing these days compared to even 3 years ago. This is quite possibly true, however it is hilarious that people have been saying this about Class D for the last 20 years.  
Mytek slams Hypex in Stereophile Amp Review
I'm not so sure about it being possible to modify the modules themselves. I believe that they are pretty fixed. Definitely possible - Rogue does it.Rogue adds a tube input stage to sweeten the sound from the Class D output stage. This is a good ex... 
Mytek slams Hypex in Stereophile Amp Review
One of the very interesting and best things about Class D is that those modules can be made modified and made proprietary by engineers. I'm not so sure about it being possible to modify the modules themselves. I believe that they are pretty fixed... 
Let's talk Tweeters!
seanheis1: Have you heard Be tweeters besides the Focals?Best,EI have not. I would like to hear the Fritz/Scanspeak 2 way Be or the Selah Audio 3 way Be. Perhaps Focal is getting their Be tweeters from Dayton. ;-)  
Is there actually a difference?
The challenge with tests is that the testers are in an unfamiliar room, with unfamiliar gear, and unfamiliar music. It's overwhelming and in these conditions SPEAKERS can be difficult to discern. Slip a new amp into my system, in my room, and with... 
Let's talk Tweeters!
When we start getting above 10khz, we all hear differently...some not at all or very rolled off. I think that this absolutely impacts our choice of tweeter or design. Be tweeters sound harsh to me and this could be do to some hearing loss.  
Is Speaker design evolution stagnant
The big challenge with activating a speaker is that the electronics can fail and the speakers become very heavy, difficult to ship, and a bigger risk to buy in the used market. A passive speaker can go 20-30 years without much risk of problems.