
Responses from seanheis1

Imported audio are you getting the same level of performance vs domestic priced equip?
With Naim you sure are paying a lot more. Focal is trickier as they liquidate in the US market...sometimes you will see 50% off at upscale audio. I have seen the Klipsch Heritage line discounted in Canada, with US sales not allowed.  
Basic integrated amp for $700-$900
It depends on what sound signature you are after. That Vincent amp is not lush or tonally warm like a typical tube amp. At least not with the stock tube(s). It’s very detailed and feels like much more than 50 watts. My Rega amps had more of the va... 
(Brutally) Honest Audio Reviews
From what I can see they are using manufacturer stock photos. That is normally an indicator that the speakers have never been in their possession. A lot of these types of sites are popping up. Their "impressions" could be coming from real reviewers.  
Thoughts wanted for new speaker design
A little 2 way stand mount speaker using Dayton prefab cabinets could offer a lot of value. Give it away and if its a hit it will make your bread and butter speakers easier to sell.  
Metal cabinet speakers
I have Focal CMS 40 monitors on my desk. Aluminum and very heavy. They don’t resonate and add sound/ambiance like an MDF or plywood box does. Having said that, a resonate box can be very enjoyable. I love Harbeth and Rega mini monitors.  
Amp for Harbeth P3ESR and Cambridge Audio Azur 851N
Schiit Ragnarok 2 just released at $1500 
Speaker recommendation thread (Organised by tiers of price)
Under 1k - Rega RS1. Just about perfect for a desktop. I recommend auditioning before dropping more on the LS3/5A monitors. Like all small monitors, they get better with a small sub like the REL T5.  
Recent purchase Emerald Physics 4.7's
Audiophiles don’t ignore high value brands but they do shy away from systems that need DSP. I believe that Clayton Shaw understood this and Spatial Audio was born. Those designs aren’t necessarily better, but the no DSP required are magic words.  
Top Notch Desktop System
Even better is isoacoustic stands. I would be surprised if you needed DSP for near field. You should be getting a lot of direct sound being so close.  
Emerald Physics Loudspeakers
Though I think the newest versions of Emerald Physics speakers are less dependent on DSP. Yes I believe they call them Spatial Audio. 
What brands tend to have the worst resale value?
Martin Logan, Vienna Acoustics, Anthony Gallo, Linn, Definitive Technology...these brands tend to sit on Craigslist forever.   
Just received shipment of my Magnepan LRS’s
The frequency response is 50hz, but not sure if that is down 3db or down 6db. If anyone gets a chance to play a 40hz test tone I’m curious if there is much output. Since there is no port I’m guessing they don’t roll off real fast.  
Top Notch Desktop System
The KEF speakers are tonally on the cool side, which some love and others don’t.  
The best speaker for a small any price point.
That is a very small room and pretty square so without DSP or room treatments, I would be looking at small monitors, maybe horns to control dispersion and not excite room modes.  
Tone, Tone, Tone !
The Rega RS1 speakers on my desk give me tone, clarity, and speed so I totally understand your relationship with your Spendors. I have tried to replace them so many times with other hyped speakers, but each time I end up not keeping the replacemen...