
Responses from seanheis1

The Best Preamp is no Preamp?
What power amps were you using?   
The Best Preamp is no Preamp?
A passive pre will allow you to listen to your power amp. If you like what you hear, that may be all you need. If you don’t like what you hear, you might need to add 2nd harmonic distortion to the signal (active pre) to fatten up the sound, add b... 
Bluesound Node 2021 DAC - I sold my Denafrips Ares II
Thanks for the correction. On a side note it would be helpful if people gave their impressions based on what OS filters used or if using NOS. IME, each setting is like having another DAC.  
Bluesound Node 2021 DAC - I sold my Denafrips Ares II
Regarding Denafrips Ares, to get the euphonic hi-fi sound, I believe you need to select NOS and Slow filter settings.  If you select OS (over-sampling) and sharp filter, you will get excellent measured performance, but it will likely sound like c... 
Vote for Your Top OP'er One Only Please !
Erik_Squires for starting so many good topics…he still around?  
Next best exponential DAC quality level?
the relentlessness and a lack of resolution indicates that your are missing something. What is he missing? Is it something metaphysical? Only explained by philosophy perhaps? I am referring to DACs of course...converting digital to analog....n... 
Next best exponential DAC quality level?
It is partly a question of understanding how sensitive the ear is to odd harmonics and dealing with that as a point in emphasis. This is Ralph from Atmosphere’s philosophy. I definitely think it holds water with power amps….but is IMD really mu... 
Next best exponential DAC quality level?
Who are you Cindyment? How do you know so much?  Are you NW AV Guy? Amir? Archimago?   
Next best exponential DAC quality level?
The exaggerated instrument separation that audiophiles such as myself crave would also most likely be a harmonic distortion artifact. Same with the added depth, width, and texture.  
Next best exponential DAC quality level?
I think it comes down to how you define better. Better measuring or subjective enjoyment of euphonic colorations? Euphonic doesn’t have to be syrupy.  Same with amps. Better measuring go with nCore Hypex or Benchmark ABH2. You want the sound that... 
Next best exponential DAC quality level?
Being pragmatic, the image should be confined between the speakers. That is all that is possible on the recording. What the Audionote creates is artificial. Again, I do not mean that disrespectfully, the goals are just different. Agreed. My tub... 
Next best exponential DAC quality level?
Cindy is actually not wrong. Here is my opinion on the disconnect.  What sounds good or best with DACs and other electronics is mostly art. Art IMO sounds better than transparency. That is why I don't buy products based on measurements. I don't c... 
Open Baffle. Why are they mostly limited to DIY?
I did own the Lii Audio F15s OB for a short bit. That may be the amp out of phase as Atmosphere mentioned. It could also be due to wide frequency response dips and peaks, with missing treble off axis. The person I bought them from was using Mini D... 
Different Amplifiers Changing the Width of Soundstage
Do amp designers voice the phase shift?  Regarding distortion: The low feedback amp has the wider (I can hear the other speaker) and more micro-detailed sound when standing in front on one speaker.  The Class D amp (very low distortion but less...