
Responses from seandtaylor99

To buy or not to buy Audiolab 8000C
It's a simple and robust design, pretty easily fixed with generic parts. That said it's also old. I bought an 8000C a couple of years ago for just under $200 USD. For that price it's a great unit (class A preamp, great headphone, switchable MM, MC... 
Best Bike to ride before a good listening session
Any bike. Remember, it's about the riding, not the equipment. 
Should there only be one company making gear?
Nrchy ... I'm truly sorry for what I did to your thread. A quick jibe at historical reenactments, a follow up with the b*n*r word, and now the thread is lost at sea. 
Woofer dust cap repair advice, HELP
It's so ironic that there was a thread about mixing speakers and kids on agon just a couple of days ago. Having a very active 3 yr old I know all about this stuff. My advice is:1) separate room for equipment if possible2) toys are drawn to reflex ... 
Woofer dust cap repair advice, HELP
Try blu-tak. It's commonly available in the UK for just a couple of bucks, and in the US it's sold by audio dealers to hold speakers to stands. They usually mark it up to about ... er $20 (snigger).Seriously, it might work, and it doesn't leave an... 
Amplifiers:A Keeper for Life. Do you know of one ?
Densen B-100. Cost me $1000. Will own it till it dies or I do ... whichever is the sooner. 
Should there only be one company making gear?
Marco ... completely agree. I think it's obscene that we spend so much money on boner pills, statins and diabetes meds when children all around are dieing of easily cured diseases, and when malaria, TB, and AIDs are killing so many. There have bee... 
Should there only be one company making gear?
Nrchy ... have you had AIDS, ebola or syphilus recently ?On the other hand in 13th century britain 1/3 of the population was killed by plague, and in some towns 2/3 of the population.I have had burst appendix and a staph infection in my arm. I'd h... 
Should there only be one company making gear?
This historical reenactment makes me laugh.I think they should randomly spray the inside of the helmets with plague, smallpox or syphilis. Now that would make for a real reenactment.History is a fascinating subject, but I bet it was bloody miserab... 
Should there only be one company making gear?
Slappy ... yeah, I suppose the imaging would suffer a bit. 
Should there only be one company making gear?
Beautifully put, KP.When some people start to take their hobbies too seriously they exhibit a primitive tribalism.Whether the hobby be hifi, attending football matches, golf etc etc. I think that some of it comes from insecurity, which itself is f... 
Experience with B&W 703?
It may be that the 703s are very amplifier dependant. That would seem to be the suggestion from the two posts above, and it is something that always comes up with the love-em or hate-em nautilus line from B&W. I'd recommend taking your amplifi... 
Integrated CD/Pre + Amp or CD plus integrated amp?
I would not personally buy a CD player with an integrated preamp, because CD transports are the least reliable part of any audio chain, and when it fails you'll need a new preamp. A good amp will last 20 years with minimal servicing. A good CD pla... 
My "Hummer" is driving me nuts
Do you still have the hum when the preamp is disconnected entirely (with no cable attached to the amp inputs)? Are the pre and power-amps connected to the same outlet ? Just ruling out possible sources of ground loops.also how old is the amp ? If ... 
How should I treat window behind listening chair?
I have drapes on 3 of the four walls of my listening room because it's a very small room and had annoying slap echo (clap your hands and hear it ring). I find the drapes hugely improve the sound.However if your system sounds dull and lacking in tr...