
Responses from salectric

Granit amp stands are they killing my sound?
Richard,Are you using the Vibraplane under your Galibier or for something else? 
Granit amp stands are they killing my sound?
I have tried many different materials under my amps, preamps, cd players and turntables. My 3" granite slab is among the worst sounding of them all, no matter what type of couplers or damping materials are used. I don't believe the problem is as s... 
Early digital recordings on vinyl vs. CD?
There are no black and white truths on this issue. Some digitally mastered LPs sound very good; some sound nearly as bad as early CDs. The earlier the digital mastering the greater the risk of bad sound. No surprise there. Mastering engineers foun... 
Listening habits and LP storage
My records are stored in floor to ceiling shelving units in a room next to the listening room. I tend to pull out a handful of records at a time based on what I think I will want to hear, which then get scatterred around the room until I eventuall... 
Preamp or power amp has more impact to resolution?
Over many years, my experience has been the priority ranking is Linestage first, then Power Amp, then Phono stage. Obviously you don't want to get too far out of balance by, for example, pairing an entry level power amp with a top-of-the-line line... 
Ortofon --- A90 or SPU 90th?
Is the SPU 90th Anniversary still available? If so, where can you buy it? I thought it had been discontinued. 
Who listens only to vinyl?
I am almost 100% vinyl. I do have a CD player which I keep around for the occasional new CD and to play music that I like but don't have on LP. Of course, I also listen to CDs in the car, but for my main system CDs probably get less than 1% of my ... 
Tonearm Ideas for Garrard 301 Rebuild
Jcote,I have 3 headshells I use on the Schick: an Orsonics, Yamamoto HS-1AS ebony, and a Jelco. The Yamamoto is probably my favorite but the wires are so stiff they can make it difficult to get the cartridge aligned. 
Tonearm Ideas for Garrard 301 Rebuild
The Schick is the obvious choice for a modern 12" arm with the 103R. Not only does it work great with the 103R, but the Schick is also a great match with the Miyajima cartridges. I have a Miyajima mono on my Schick right now.If you wanted a less m... 
Denon Dl-103r is it for real?
Greg,I sent you an email. 
Denon Dl-103r is it for real?
I bought my AT 33-EV for $400 new including shipping from an authorized US dealer. That's close enough to the Denon to be a direct competitor. Email me for the dealer name if you're interested. 
Denon Dl-103r is it for real?
There's no question the 103R is a very good cartridge provided it is partnered with a sympathetic arm. And it is certainly very good value for the money. However, it's limitations are apparent when it goes head-to-head against a more resolving car... 
Upgrade turntable from an Amazon Model 2
Jerry at 10Audio really liked the Amazon Referenz and Moerch DP-8. See his review at link. 
Your favorite SET amp? Wavac EC-300B...
Mapman, A good SET amp is at least as reliable as a push-pull tube amp, and in many cases a SET is about as reliable and trouble-free amp there is. For instance, my SE amps use a 46 output tube and a Western Electric 403b driver tube. Neither tube... 
Your favorite SET amp? Wavac EC-300B...
Check out the Emotive Audio Caeli for a seriously good 300B SET.