Responses from salectric
Help-Bent Benz cantilever need advice I would recommend Soundsmith as well. Peter recently retipped my Benz LP and I am very pleased with the results. | |
Ebay LP Purchases My Ebay LP buying experience has been very positive. My interest is in jazz from mostly the 50s through 70s. I could wait my entire life and never see an obscure album that I want in a used LP store, but I can go on Ebay and often find it right aw... | |
Miyabi 47 cartridge: How many hours does it last ? I would expect a cartridge with 1000 hours will soon need retipping. I don't have any experience with Miyabi, but I have had 3 Benz cartridges that each showed signs of distress at the 900 to 1000 mark. Most recently, my Benz LP was having trouble... | |
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil Charles1dad,What value CAST caps did you order? Were you able to use the values that PCX has on sale? I haven't placed my order yet, but plan to do so soon. | |
Devore Nines and Daedalus Athena comparison? I agree with Bob (Rsimms) that the Athena sounded very nice in the First Sound room at last year's RMAF. Clean, detailed and musically interesting. At the time, I thought the system sounded a tad lean but I didn't know whether that could have been... | |
What are OA2 tubes and why are there more gear Contrary to reported above, different samples of gas regulator tubes do sound different, so it makes sense to try a variety. Fortunately, you can buy these off the internet at quite low prices since there is relatively low demand. In my experience... | |
Tonearm selection is not easy For a modern cartridge like the Dynavector, I would put a Moerch 12" arm on the list. I used a DP-6 with 12" Red wand on my Galibier for a number of years and lked it very much. I suspect the new DP-8 would be really nice as well. | |
Where did you go after Harbeth? Hornsystem, I live in Md and would be interested in hearing your setup. What you described is somewhat similar to my speakers which use a Jensen 15" crossed over at 1200Hz to an Altec/Western Electric horn with Altec 802-8G driver. More details on... | |
Devore Nines and Daedalus Athena comparison? Oldcarb63,Don't judge the Athena by what you heard at last month's Capital Audiofest. The Athena can definitely sound better than it did in that particular room with that setup. I heard the Athena in at least 3 maybe 4 rooms at the 2011 RMAF, and ... | |
Benz Ebony vs Wood A few years ago I replaced a low-output Wood L2 with a Benz LP (pre-S version). The LP was a major improvement across the spectrum---more solid bass, more detail, smoother and better tracking. The L2 is certainly a decent cartridge but the bass al... | |
Who uses high end TT setup for vintage records ? I have another theory as to why records pressed in the 50s and 60s sound as good as they do. In addition to the fact that the recording, mastering and pressing were all done with tube gear, we shouldn't overlook the fact that all of this electroni... | |
How much should I pay for a 2001 Thiel CS 3.6? I used the 3.6 for about 8 years, and it is a very good speaker in many ways. It is quite demanding in amplifiers though. If you go with a solid-state amp, you will find that you need lots of power. I started with a Classe DR-10 with about 200 wat... | |
Why does your turntable sound the way it does. I am definitely of the "tune for liveliness" school as opposed to the "damp all the life out of the music" school. My high-mass non-suspended table may be more susceptible to this than other tables, but if so only in degree. Whatever material the ... | |
Wilson Sophias and Jolida Integrated Palena, Don't confuse "Emotive" with "Emotiva." They are different companies in totally different market niches. | |
Anybody heard Galibier or JC Verdier turntables? Thermio,Not sure what you mean. The post was about Platine Verdier and Galibier, both of which are still available. What is your point? |