
Responses from salectric

Tube recommendation for Audio Research LS-2b?
I had the LS2 a number of years ago, and it definitely needed the warmth and slightly softened highs provided by Amperex Bugle Boys. The BB tubes were also very dynamic. In contrast the tubes I bought from ARC, a Chinese 6DJ8 and a Sovtek 6922, we... 
Your best ''outstanding'' products in last 5 yrs?
The most satisfying additions during the last 5 years (in chronological order):1. KT-77 E-Linear monoblocks (homemade)2. Emotive Audio Custom Vita monoblocks3. Homemade speakers using vintage components--Jensen P15LL woofers and Altec 802-8G compr... 
How do we remember 1970s amplifiers?
Tbg, I would have loved to own a set of Fulton J-Modulars or the later Premiers, but they were way out of my limited budget. 
How do we remember 1970s amplifiers?
My system in 1976 would probably still sound pretty good by today's standards. Here's the lineup:Table #1--Rabco ST-4 with ADC XLMTable #2--Thorens TD-124 with homemade pivoted arm and Decca Mk 5Phono---homemade based on Trevor Lees circuit (suppo... 
I tried a cheap cartridge and I LIKE IT
I'm not sure I would go as low as $30, but I would certainly recommend a good $400 cartridge in a quality vinyl rig. I have an Audio Technica AT33EV in my Triplanar right now, and I have to tell you it sounds very good. Not quite as good as my Ben... 
VAC Owners:Outboard Phono Stage?
Alonski, Yes I built my phono stage. You can read some of the details on my system page. I am not aware of a commercial product very similar to it, but there could be. Many mfrs use the 12AX7 because it is readily available and it is certainly cap... 
VAC Owners:Outboard Phono Stage?
Kevin told me at the 2011 RMAF that he was working on an all-out outboard phono. It didn't sound like it was going to be released in the very near future, but if you are patient that might be worth waiting for.I take exception to Mulveling's comme... 
Most forgiving high end speaker 10k-20k?
Agree with the Harbeth recommendation, but Spendor should be auditioned as well. Spendors and tubes go together very well especially if one is looking for a less analytical sound than the typical high-end speaker. 
RTR esr 15 info
I am curious about your line array and whether you ran into problems with beaming. Back in the 1970s when I had a RTR ESR-6 with my Fulton FMI-80s, I tried making a new mounting panel so that all 6 electrostat panels were in the same plane. The re... 
Spendor SP100 mid/bass rubber surround
According to my Spendor manual, they keep a record of driver performance characteristics for every speaker they made, so if a driver needs replacement they can sell one that is an exact replacement. Spendor takes great efforts to match drivers pre... 
Spendor SP100 mid/bass rubber surround
Simon, How did the rubber surrounds on your Spendors get damaged in the first place? The fact that both the woofer and mid need repair suggests that something out of the ordinary occurred, like somebody poking the speakers. I have had SP100s for o... 
My Final Amplifier Purchase - What Would You Buy?
A sensible question and sensible replies. For what it's worth, I think it would be a mistake to abandon tubes. Having been down that road a couple times in the past, I ended up unhappy and eventually returned to tubes. I also happen to think that ... 
Psvane Teflon capacitors real or fakes?
Credibility is everything in the field of component parts. It's not realistic to expect the end user to dissect caps or other parts to confirm the materials claimed to be used. I was skeptical from day one about Psvane, Treasure and Grant Fidelity... 
How good does a TT have to be for a good cartridge
The best answer is "It's complicated." There just isn't an easy answer because the table/arm/cartridge is a combination and some combos have a synergism and some do not. The issue is made more maddening because the types of sonic changes from an u... 
DIY TT platform Marble to Wood Changeover
I am pretty sure you will notice a change in sound if you replace the marble with another material. I don't have any experience with Vibrapods but I have certainly tried lots of other isolator materials, and while they impart their own sound to th...