
Responses from salectric

Top resistors
Jetrexpro, What type of resistor did you replace with the tantalums? I have gradually switched a number of resistors in my system over to 2w AN tantalums, and I have been very pleased with the improvements in sound. The AN does have a warm, solid ... 
kt77 vrs kt120 in Rogue M180s
Xti16, Sorry, I should have been more specific. The only KT-77 and KT-88 tubes I have tried are the Gold Lion reissues. I have never heard the vintage GEC. 
kt77 vrs kt120 in Rogue M180s
Thank you Chrssain! Your post prompted me to swap out my KT-120s for the KT-77s they replaced several months ago. This was the first time I'd swapped the outputs since installing the KT-120s, and the comparison clarified my thoughts on the KT-120s... 
How to best load my Benz wood L2
I was very happy with my L2 using a 1:10 SUT into 47K. This works out to an effective load of 470 ohms seen by the cartridge. 
Spendor speakers
I can't quite match Gthgmg with his 18 years, but I have owned my SP100s for 11 years and am still very happy with their sound. I recently investigated several speakers that have attracted a lot of press lately, but I haven't heard anything so far... 
Magico VS Daedalus VS Marten VS Spendor
The speakers you listed are all very different, so you really need to hear the candidates in person before making any decision. I have had Spendor SP-100 speakers for over 10 years so I am partial to the Spendor sound, especially the Classic serie... 
Tube Cage On or Off. Does it Make any Difference?
My only experience with a tube cage was with a Music Reference RM-9 many years ago. It came with a nice steel cage that not only protected the tubes but also looked nice. Unfortunately, it added a slight steely edge to the sound, something I did n... 
What amps use the KT120 tubes?
Emotive Audio Vitas use KT-120s. They can also run 6550, EL34, 6L6GC and their KT counterparts. I like the KT-120s best of all the tubes I've tried so far. 
HELP - Building stereo room, need advice ASAP
I have actually used both #1 and #3, and I strongly prefer the wider room (my present house). The narrower width caused more extreme nodes along the center axis resulting in a suckout in the upper bass/lowerr midrange region. The wider room is mor... 
The most dynamic speaker you've heard...
The most dynamic speaker I have heard was a one-of-a-kind put together by DejaVu Audio in McLean Va. It used a Western Electric 22A midrange horn with WE 555 driver, supplemented by a Jensen 302A HF horn and a 15" Jensen woofer in a sealed cabinet... 
Opposite of Thiel
I used Thiel 3.6 for nearly ten years and then went with Spendor SP-100s. The Thiels were lean and bright, the Spendors were (and are) warm, dynamic and to my ears much more natural. Harbeth and Spendor have many of the same qualities. 
Robin or Rodin Mod of an ARC SP3-A1???
Apfdirtdoctor,I loved your story about comparing the old SP3A1 to the SP3C. It confirms what I had suspected just from reading the description of the "C" update. I can definitely imagine different reactions with one person preferring the "modern" ... 
Preamp recommendations requested
In today's world, trying to find an all-in-one preamp that includes low-output MC capability is a tall order indeed. I think you are better off with a separate linestage and MC phono preamp. This will allow you to optimize each device for best res... 
Re-tipped cartridges
I recently had my Benz LP retipped by SoundSmith, and I am very pleased with the job. Since the cartridge had not been used for several months before I sent it off, I can't say for sure that it sounds identical to the stock Benz, but I am not awar... 
Choosing between Reissue and Original pressings
Viridian, It's ironic but it looks like vinyl will turn out to be the longest lasting medium for archiving music. With minimal efforts at storage, a vinyl record can maintain its sound quality indefinitely and even if there is some defect the prob...