
Responses from salectric

Comparison Living Voice IBX-R2 to OBX-R2?
I heard the OBX-R2 twice recently, at the Capital AudioFest and at RMAF, each time with Border Patrol electronics. I had high hopes for the speakers given the praise in various reviews. Each time however I was disappointed finding the overall soun... 
2011 RMAF Analog Reports + Meet and Greet
I forgot the Volti Audio Vittora. That also sounded very nice, even better than when I heard them at the DC Capital AudioFest in July. 
2011 RMAF Analog Reports + Meet and Greet
I agree with Clio09. There were very few rooms this year with what I consider good sound. Five that did sound promising or at least interesting were (not in any particular order):1. Silbatone with Western Electric 757 speakers2. Galibier room with... 
What equipment uses 5687 tubes?
The Emotive Audio Sira linestage uses a single 5687 for the gain (plus a lot of other tubes for voltage regulation and current sources), and the Emotive Vita amps use a pair of 5687s for input and driver stages. 
Benz Ruby ZH or Wood SM?
Audioquest4life,I too will be interested to hear your reactions to the Ruby Z. I have a 3-year old LP. I have been thinking about trading it in on the LP-S, but maybe the Ruby Z is an alternative. 
Why are modern arms so ugly?
I agree with a lot of your examples. I have a Triplanar and it is pretty ugly, I'll admit. However, I have a Schick 12" and it looks beautiful to my eye. I also liked the appearance of the Moerch DP-6 with 12" wand that I had a while back. 
Does anyone like vintage speakers?
At the this summer's Capital Audio Fest in DC, I thought the two best sounding rooms were a modern and a vintage room---polar opposites really. One had Wilson Sashas driven by the D'Agostino solid state amps. The other had Western Electric/Jensen ... 
Audio Research LS2B mk2 cap ugrade
The voltage rating isn't an issue. The voltage is a maximum rating; as long as you operate the caps at less than the maximum, you're ok. The highest voltage in the LS2 is around 425v. A cap rated at 450v or above will do fine.I still think you wil... 
Lehmann Black Cube question
I bought the original Black Cube when it first came out based on the over-the-top reviews and user comments. Big mistake! It sounded mediocre at best. I don't know if later models sounded better (I would certainly hope so), but I would be skeptical. 
Audio Research LS2B mk2 cap ugrade
Hifigeek1, That's why I mentioned the Classe amp's input impedance which is fairly high. As I recall, it is 68K. It is true that a lower value output coupling cap will cause the bass to roll off sooner, but in this case it won't have any practical... 
Audio Research LS2B mk2 cap ugrade
I used an LS2 with Classe CA-300 for several years so I can relate somewhat to your situation. I tried several cap upgrades on my LS2 which mostly brought it up to MkII status, i.e. replacing a number of RelCaps with MIT caps. Your preamp already ... 
2011 RMAF Analog Reports + Meet and Greet
Jazdoc, what's this about a new Durand tonearm? Can you reveal any details about the Telos? How is it different from the Talea?Dave 
which amps go well with Spendors
My experience is limited to the SP-100, but I have found it to be very flexible concerning amplifiers. I have used it with amps ranging from 300W per channel (Classe CA-300) to 1.5W (homemade single-ended 46 amp). In between, I've used a number of... 
Personal Tuner Evolution
1968 to 1977----Dyna FM-3 (modified)--great sound but noisy in stereo1985 to 1993---Denon TU-720---reasonable sensitivity and noise, very nice sound (unfortunately it was stolen)1993 to 1995----Magnum DynaLab FT-100A---great sensitivity and noise,... 
Loricraft PRC, multiple-step cleaning and static
I haven't heard of anyone having static problems with a Loricraft before. In fact, one of the advantages of the Loricraft compared to the VPI, Nitty Gritty, etc. is precisely the lack of static buildup. (The earlier posters don't realize that the ...