
Responses from salectric

ATC scm40 or Spendor A9
I second the recommendation to try some Spendor Classic series speakers. I have had my Spendor SP100s since 2001, and for my tastes they are some of the most natural sounding speakers I have ever heard. 
Ref-75-SE delivered ...
Oregonpapa, Nice to hear that Sue Raney is still performing. I only heard her live one time which was around 1990 at a small club outside DC called Cate's. (Alas Cate's is no more.) I have a number of Sue's LPs but my very favorite recording is a ... 
Ref-75-SE delivered ...
I love Sue Raney! She is one of my all-time favorite vocalists. Which album were you referring to? Was it perhaps Sue Raney Sings the Music of Johnny Mandel? That album is probably the best sounding of the ones I have. 
Tonearm wiring termination---DIN, or RCA jacks?
I agree with the 1-piece wire approach whereby a single high-quality tonearm wire extends from the cartridge clips to the RCA plugs going into the preamp (or SUT). Mesch asked if any commercial tonearms do this, and the answer is Definitely! Each ... 
Is your tube amp really a tube amp?
You can add AC for the heaters as a requirement for an all-tube amp. Otherwise you need solid-state diodes for a DC supply. 
Triplanar vii - upgrade tonearm and ic wiring
Cable is certainly important no question about that. And that means cable everywhere including the wires inside components. I recently replaced the Cardas wiring inside my Siggwan tonearm with 1877 Phono wire. The new wire is still breaking in but... 
Triplanar vii - upgrade tonearm and ic wiring
By "tonearm mount mod" do you mean the 2-bolt mounting sled as opposed to the 1-bolt cantilevered armboard? If so, yes, I went to the 2-bolt sled a couple years ago. Right now I have my Siggwan arm on the old 1-bolt armboard while waiting for a lo... 
Triplanar vii - upgrade tonearm and ic wiring
Ralph,Do you know if a wire upgrade is being offered for existing Triplanars? 
Triplanar vii - upgrade tonearm and ic wiring
Stringreen, I would like to get the LP-S but, unless something has changed recently, it isn't available in the US. 
Triplanar vii - upgrade tonearm and ic wiring
Looks like there are two threads running on this. Here's an edited version of what I posted on the other one:As you know, you already have a great sounding setup. I know this is true since I have a Galibier Gavia with Triplanar VII and Benz LP and... 
Triplanar vii - upgrade tonearm and ic wiring
Another option is to upgrade the Triplanar. I wasn't aware of this until today but Triplanar now has 3 models---the VII-U2 Classic, the VII-U2-SE, and the U-12. Both the SE version and the U-12 have a carbon fiber arm and silver wiring. 
Devore or Harbeths to replace my ESL63s?
Thanks for the update Andrew. 
Triplanar vii - upgrade tonearm and ic wiring
As you know, you already have a great sounding setup. I know this is true since I have a Galibier Gavia with Triplanar VII and Benz LP and it sounds very nice indeed. Putting aside cartridge issues, which tend to be rather personal, you might want... 
Thiel with "Warmest" Midrange? 2.7 vs 3.7 vs Older
In my experience, Thiels need tubes. I had 3.6s for 8 years starting in 1993 and I was able to try a number of different amps on them including Classe DR-10 and CA300, high power Forte, a pair of custom 2A3 push-pull monos, push-pull 300Bs, Cary 4... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Reminder: Duelund CAST caps are quite sensitive to how they are mounted. In my experience, if the cap is lying flat on a wood surface, there are annoying colorations: a thick, excessively warm bass, and dark high frequencies. I have tried several ...