
Responses from salectric

Capitol Audio Fest Speakers?
I apologize for stirring up the hornet's nest of Daedalus fans. They are a vocal group! As I said, there are a number of Daedalus owners whose judgment I respect; I just haven't been able (yet) to hear what it is they like so much. Maybe that's du... 
Where can I find a Benz lps cartridge for sale?
Like Stringreen, I use my Benz LP (not S version) every day. I had it retipped by Soundsmith once already and will probably do so again within the coming year. The Benz cartridges are so good it's a crying shame that they have abandoned the US mar... 
Capitol Audio Fest Speakers?
For my money, the rooms with the most natural sound were the Deja Vu rooms (both the vintage speaker described by LarryI and the room with Harbeth Monitor 30.1 speakers) and the room with Quad 57's driven by Miyajima electronics. (Not coincidental... 
Bypassing A Preamp With Volume Pot In Amp
Thanks. I just ordered some more Neotech silver with Teflon insulation and some silk tubing. I have a spot for testing this on my outboard speaker crossover, and I will be able to swap several different wires back and forth for comparison. The sam... 
Best 300B SET
You can add the Emotive Audio Caeli monoblocks to the list. 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Excellent news Grannyring! I am glad the North Creek inductors worked well with your speakers. They certainly do with mine. As I said before, I would not be shocked if the Duelund CAST inductors are even better but you have to draw the line somewh... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Charles,Thank you for a mature and thoughtful post. I agree with you completely about this being a passionate hobby. As a result, it's all too easy to get caught up in minor differences in viewpoint and lose sight of the bigger issues. Too often w... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Charles, everyone reading this thread knows you replaced a Solen with a Duelund CAST and noticed a big improvement. That's great and I am glad you're happy, but it's hardly surprising. Solens are, to put it politely, not a very high threshold to s... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
I have to agree with a lot of what Johnk said. Too many people, including folks on this thread, get seduced by the "I modded it so it must be better" perspective. In all equipment, but especially with speaker crossovers, a "better" component may n... 
Spendor SP 100/R2 and Harbeth 40.1 - impressions?
I have had Spendor SP100 speakers (not the R2) going on 13 years now, and I like them very much. I have only heard Harbeths at audio shows and even then never the 40.1, so I can't offer any comparative reactions, but I can say that Harbeths have a... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Grannyring,Are these the Jupiter caps you are using? 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
John, with a first-order crossover the slope is so gradual that there will be little difference in sound due strictly to the 3.3 vs. 3.52 difference in value. You certainly want both speakers to be matched but either value could be used. Of course... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Grannyring, I think you will be very happy with the North Creek chokes. Among the others I tried are several other brands of air cores, several Jantzen ferrite cores, vintage Altec iron core, and several copper foils. I had complaints about each o... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Granny, I am in the same position as you: I would like to try some CAST inductors but I don't dare since I can't justify the cost. Instead, I went with North Creek air core inductors---a 10g on the woofer and 12g on the compression driver. I have ... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Volleyguy, I just checked the PCX website and it looks like their "special" pricing for certain CAST values has now become their regular prices. The prices all appear the same to me. Now the prices for the CAST speaker caps are another story. They...