
Responses from salectric

Devore or Harbeths to replace my ESL63s?
The Harbeth 30.1 would be a great choice! While no one ever knows for sure whether a given speaker will work out as a long-term keeper, your experience with the other Harbeths is a pretty good indication that you will have the 30.1 for a long time. 
Devore or Harbeths to replace my ESL63s?
Different people have different tastes in speakers, no question about that. I have to take exception to Dodgealum's comment about the Harbeth 30.1 and the Daedalus heard at last year's Capital Audio Fest. I was at the CAF as well for both Fri and ... 
Top resistors
Great report Justubes2! I am glad the PathAudio resistors have worked well for you. Your description of the Duelund resistors as having "a larger unfocussed and slightly messy soundstage" is, I believe, the same thing I was trying to describe as "... 
tube pre amp and Krell FPB 600
I agree that it is not likely a preamp turn-on or turn-off thump will damage the power amp. The real point is the damage to the speakers. Krell has good reason to be concerned about this in my opinion.Since I have been all-tubes for many years, in... 
tube pre amp and Krell FPB 600
With due respect to Ralph, I think Krell's concern about tube preamps being used with their direct-coupled amps is a valid one. Many tube preamps have a substantial low-frequency pulse on turn-on and turn-off which can cause major problems for a h... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
A line-level crossover means biamping or triamping which definitely makes your system more complicated. For those of us with tube monoblocks, it means an additional 2 or even 4 amplifiers, each with its own power cord and mounting stand. If you ob... 
Top resistors
Yes, my resistors are all in the high-pass section of my 2-way crossover. And I am using a mix of Mills wirewound (black body) and PathAudio. I am not using any Duelund resistors these days.As for why I have a mix rather than all PathAudio, my spe... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Actually I no longer use any Duelund resistors. Just Mills and PathAudio. 
Top resistors
I have PathAudio resistors in 2 spots which are 5 and 10 ohms. Right now I am still using Mills in the other two positions. I plan to get some more PathAudios to try there as well.You may want to break in the resistors before you put them in your ... 
Top resistors
To my ears, the neutrality of the PathAudio does not make it any less exciting than the Duelund CAST. When I listen with the PathAudio, words like "direct, clear, solid" come to mind. With the CAST, I am thinking "airy, bright, thin." Individual p... 
Top resistors
Justubes2, I am happy to provide more details regarding the Duelund CAST vs. PathAudio resistors. First let me provide some context. All of my testing has been with my DIY speakers (described on my system page) in the high-pass portion of a 1200 H... 
Top resistors
I need to supplement or correct my earlier post about PathAudio resistors. After a very lengthy breakin period (I wasn't keeping track but I have been using them for a couple of months), the PathAudios do sound really good. The issues I had with a... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Good move Granny! I think you will like the PathAudios a lot but be sure to give them a long run in before drawing any conclusions. Mine were initially rather dark in the highs with subdued dynamics and a small, recessed soundstage. But after a fe... 
NY Audio Show September 26th to September 28th
I have heard the Volti Vittoras several times at the Capital Audio Fest and in Denver a couple years ago. To my ears they sounded best with the designer's own 2A3 SE amps which are a DIY design called the Horus Silver. See: 
Basis Audio Super Arm 9
So how much does the SA9 cost? And has anyone compared it to a current version Triplanar?